Spring registration

<p>My S had been trying to make an appt online with his advisor but for some reason it wasn’t working. He finally found out that it didn’t work because his advisor was completely booked. I told him to call tomorrow to see what he should do. Any ideas on what to do? Is it necessary to meet with his advisor. He is just going to follow the detailed course outline.</p>

<p>My DS also mentioned that he couldn’t set up an appointment with his advisor because she is completely booked. He needs the advisor to allow him to register for spring classes. I suggested that he speak with one of his current instructors and/or mention it to his Honors Year One leaders. I’m trying to let him self advocate.</p>

<p>My D doesn’t have a specific advisor (business school), but she couldn’t get an individual appointment prior to her registration time. She had to sign up for a group session. It was her own fault for not signing up early.</p>

<p>You need to see an advisor to get the registration hold lifted. Can he go in to his department office and see if there’s someone who can talk to him/lift his hold?</p>

<p>I would send an email to the advisor and ask what should be done. An advisor has to lift the registration hold. </p>

<p>Or…this may be better…visit the office of the dept and ask what should be done.</p>

<p>Son has not received any info on advising. He is a freshman, undecided and in A&S. How does he go about finding out who his advisor is? He is worried he will not be able to get his hold lifted…even though his schedule for next semester is a given. He is pre-med. Can’t he receive his advising there?</p>

<p>See if your student can e-advise. That is what my son did. He put his schedule into degree works as spring 2013 plan, made that the main plan, then sent an email to the advisor, who communicated with him by email, approved his schedule, and answered his questions. Then she lifted his hold.</p>

<p>I posted this at 8:40 eastern. CC is messed up again! Sorry it is so out of order!</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>Seekingknowledge, have your student use the tab at the bottom of this link to schedule his appointment in the College of A & S. This is what my daughter did and she had no problem getting in to see someone. [Academic</a> Advising and Registration | College of Arts & Sciences](<a href=“http://www.as.ua.edu/home/undergraduates/academic_advising_and_registration/]Academic”>http://www.as.ua.edu/home/undergraduates/academic_advising_and_registration/)</p>

<p>Yes, do the above…and if that doesn’t work, have him go to the A&S office …I think it’s in Clark Hall…maybe 2nd floor??</p>

<p>He is pre-med. Can’t he receive his advising there?</p>

<p>I don’t think the pre-med advisors can lift reg holds…but maybe I’m wrong. They mostly deal with making sure the student has all the pre-med pre-reqs, but that has nothing to do with making sure a student is on track for grad within a major. </p>

<p>Since your son is pre-med, isn’t there anything related to that that interests him? I think there’s a pre-med track in Biology.</p>

<p>For engineering students, there will be group advising sessions. Check your crimson email for more information. (Email was sent Oct. 2.)</p>

<p>Son is pre med Bio major. I finally called the school to clarify what he needs to do for registration. First he was told to meet with Arts and Scinces. All first year A&S majors must do this ( undecided) is also listed in this group. Under A&S there are links for premed advisors. Two were listed. Chris Huttt for Jr and Sr only. And I think the other was a lady and I don’t remember her name (Mills possibly)? He scheduled with her. Only after this meeting will the system allow him to schedule with Biology advisor. I was told Bio advising does not start until the 16th.
My understanding is that both meetings will be required to lift hold.</p>

<p>Thank you for all the great information! I’ll pass it on to my son. </p>

<p>M2CK: Son decided not to declare right away. He has many different interest areas. Definitely beginning to zero in on his choices. We shall see…</p>