Affirmative Action/URM


I’m middle class, black, Hispanic, Asian, and have overcome racism and poorness. Where does this put me?</p>

<p>So you are saying: We should penalize innocent kids today for the stupidity of their ancestors?</p>

<p>That every company must hire a black person, or they are keeping the racism of slavery alive? </p>

<p>No 17-19 year old blacks lived in the era of slavery or institutionalized segregation. </p>

<p>No Asian/White kids 17-19 support slavery or ever did. Thus, they shouldn’t be punished. Should the Irish kids of today be helped by afffirmative action for the trials their ancestors faced in the early 1800s?</p>

<p>Howabout the Jews of the 20s? Should modern jews benefit from this?</p>


<p>Thanks for accepting defeat Alexissss xD I’m done with you now.</p>

<p>Who cares, you’re human like everyone else.</p>


I’d like to see it. Not now, however; I’m watching a basketball game. So, I wouldn’t pay any attention to it for at least 2 hours.</p>

<p>I suppose the smallness of the qualified black applicant pool helps those of us who are qualified. :D</p>

<p>Get over it? I cannot believe you just said that. It is so funny to me when people say blacks should just “get over” slavery, but it is okay for Jews to still talk about the holocaust, Japanese to talk about internment camps, etc. But if a black.person.says something about slavery? Get over it.</p>

<p>This is not just about slavery. Racism against blacks still exists today, but since your not black, you do not understand what it is like being black in America. It’s hard. </p>

<p>Sent from my SGH-T589 using CC</p>

<p>AA isn’t punishing whites, idiot. </p>

<p>White women also benefit from it.</p>


<p>In an all white company, did you know that they have to hire Asians bc AA?

<p>Yeah, and white men are penalized, “idiot.”</p>

<p>I’m not saying to forget slavery. I’m just saying blacks should not be benefitting from it. You don’t see jews capitalizing off of the holocaust…</p>

<p>Hbcus have to recruit white men and women bc AA.</p>



When a white man is murdered for blaring music or wearing a hoodie and possessing a bag of skittles and a coke, then perhaps AA will end.
Wake me up when that day arrives.</p>


Yes, yes, because the Holocaust took place on American soil.</p>




<p>Only if you think government spending to help hurricane victims in Haiti “penalizes” innocent American taxpayers, rather than fulfills their moral duty to other human beings. </p>



<p>Employment is different in its purpose than college admissions. College is a service that is distributed according to a college’s mission statement. Jobs are given out to efficiently get work done. Different domains for different needs.</p>



<p>No one said they did. Don’t strawman the argument, dude.</p>



<p>No person caused the earthquake in Haiti, but we all should do our parts to alleviate the problems and misfortune that the event brought about.</p>



<p>The trials their ancestors faced does not have as profound ongoing effect on their academic success as slavery has had on blacks for some weird reason. </p>



<p>Same thing.</p>


[Same as the Irish]</p>

<p>Keep your undies on, kid.</p>

<p>By reading through our arguments, the only one who has proven to be an idiot is you. All you want to do is make excuses for the underperformance of your race, attack me on my facts and my character which you don’t even know, and try to see if you can outsmart me with your stupid confirmation bias. You know what I think, I think you hate being black, and you subconciously know what I’m saying is true. Come back in a few years when AA is illegal and read this. You’ll see how ignorant you are. Racism is alive. Racism against blacks, whites, asians, etc. I’m going to be a college republican in college actually debating this issue. You’ll never come close to real debate with your dumb remarks. Black people are wonderful, but I hate the one’s who feel entitled to a better life because of the “poor” life they were given in America. Try being a black in Nigeria for the lord’s sake. Try being a poor Chinese girl in China. Their lives are worse than Black Americans’. I’m done fighting with a black girl who wants to see if she can make me impressed with her race. But quite frankly, I don’t see things in terms of race like most White and Black people do. I see us all as one race. Maybe is whites stop being racist, blacks stop feeling entitled, we can eliminate race. We can one day say, “Lighter skinned humans enslaved darker skinned humans, or what was once referred to as ‘black people.’”</p>



<p>First off, lol. At what point did blacks start accruing a net benefit from the fact that their ancestors were enslaved? Blacks have never benefitted from it. Ever.</p>

<p>And, my argument you’re ignoring (because you’d rather focus on weaker ones by other posters so that you feel vindicated):
Affirmative action’s not about the reason blacks are where they are now. It’s about the favt that blacks are where they are now.</p>

<p>Philovitist, helping haitians is not the same thing as helping blacks today who never were disabled because of slavery. I didn’t straw man anything. I proved you wrong. I’ve seen blacks debating Affirmative Action on Youtube. Read the comments. The blacks always lose.</p>

<p>Are you even literate?</p>

<p>First of all, in my opinion, the Holocaust cannot be compared to slavery. Yes, the Holocaust was extremely, extremely terrible thing but I do not think it compares. Slavery took an entire people and broke them, not just physically, bit PSYCHOLOGICALLY. The families were separated, the women were raped, it was illegal for the race to be educated. It goes on and on and on. The slave mentality is still present in the minds of blacks. The slave owner mentality is still present in the minds of many whites. </p>

<p>Sent from my SGH-T589 using CC</p>

<p>So you are saying that poor blacks need to be helped? I AGREE! Thats why republicans like myself support socioeconomic AA, but not racial AA. Can you agree with that Philovitist: get rid of racial AA and support socioeconomic AA?</p>




<p>Regardless, I’m sure it’s really easy for you to do that as part of the one race that doesn’t have to deal with race.</p>