Affirmative Action/URM

<p>Galaxialto, try here;</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Slavery may be over in the united states, but discrimination still exists to a significant degree. If you don’t see it, maybe it’s because you’re not being discriminated against.</p>

<p>If a college wants to promote a certain level of diversity, there is nothing wrong with doing so. These colleges do not use a ranking system and take the top 1000 applicants. They use holistic admissions. That means they make look at the 6 oboists that applied, and pick their top choice among them, and then either reject or defer the other applicants, or return them to the general pool of candidates. They do the same with the athletes and any other group they wish to be represented in their incoming class.</p>

<p>When others here have stated that many asians come across as “cookie cutter” you claim we are racist. We are not - we are simply stating the perception of asian applicants, if the majority fit a certain profile. If the majority all play the piano and violin, then the Asian who plays the tuba or Bassoon might single himself out, and appear unique. Holistic admissions means looking at the candidate in the specific context of his background. While this approach may look like they have a lower bar for some candidates, it doesn’t mean they gave anyone “points” to boost their chances. Perhaps they have found that as a group, Asians whose scores are a bit lower don’t perform well at their school, while lower scores among black applicants doesn’t suggest they won’t perform well.</p>

<p>You want us to simply declare that racism no longer exists, or no longer matters, but that’s not true. Yes, slavery is gone (here in the US). But the playing field was never leveled. Affirmative Action is meant to help level the playing field, and to produce opportunities such that we can eventually reach a point where discrimination really doesn’t matter. We’re not there yet.</p>

<p>That awkward moment when you discuss how unfair AA is towards Asians in an African American forum.</p>

<p>Galaxialto, I am curious about whether you feel you are treated differently because of your skin color, but I think it would be especially interesting onthe race faq thread.</p>

<p>@TinyT LAWL!!</p>

<p>Lol, I have friends and enemies. There are tons of rednecks who call me names all the time, I usually just ignore them. I’m ok with AA helping poor blacks. I’m not ok with AA helping rich black kids, while penalizing poor asian kids. Racism is not over, AA is proof of this…-_- There was 1 black kid at my school, but kids made fun of him and called him names I won’t say. When he left I was sad because I was his only friend, even though his personality was awesome and I knew he’d do fine at public school. Trust me, being Asian and dark skin causes racism both ways lol. Not lol…</p>

<p>By the way, I actually play the oboe!</p>

<p>Sometimes the consensus on the race faq seems to be that only being poor, and not appearance, has an impact on who you are. Therefore race/appearance has no bearing with regard to diversity of experiences.</p>

<p>Shrinkrap, your skin color has nothing to do with your level of intelligence or personality. I know cynical blacks and happy blacks, the same with Asians. A lot of asians losing to AA have great personalities. Facing racism can be the topic of your essay, but it should not be an assumed advantage for all blacks,would you agree?</p>

<p>I didn’t say anything about personality or intelligence. I would not suggest facing racism as the topic for an essay. I was only wondering if your appearance has made an impact on your life experiences, or who you “are”. That’s all.</p>

<p>BTW, I am not an admissions officer, so my opinion is largely irrelevant.</p>


<p>There is so much ignorance out there. I just an article written by a guy who studied the histories of all the Ivy League schools. He says that a meritocracy in admissions was first introduced in the 1980s which confirms what I already knew - Merit never was a singular criteria for elite school admissions.</p>

<p>It was the good ole rich white boy network (the author’s words). Then they doled out opportunities to women, internationals and minorities then finally to low income families. </p>

<p>Every alumnus of an Ivy League school was “selected” not elected or earned or most qualified or more deserving. They were selected, pure and simple, and they still are today.</p>

<p>That doesn’t take away from the students. It’s math - tens of thousands of kids vying for a thousand to two thousand spots. Selected. Holistically.</p>

<p>Holistic admissions are evil. They have kept out jews, blacks, and now asians. White women and blacks (not all) support AA because it doesn’t hurt them. While asians and jews and white men are against it because it hurts them. Kids today should not be punished for the stupid mistakes their ancestors made, especially asians, who had nothing to do with slavery. Lets just take out the race boxes. Then no one can be discriminated. If schools become 90% asian, so be it. If they become 100% black, so be it.</p>

<p>If they become 100% white again, so be it.
And since when does AA hurt Jews and Asians? These groups make up 2-4% of the population whilst comprising 20%+ of top schools, Jews especially. If anything, half the whites at top schools are actually Jewish.
Way to blame the 5-10% of blacks at top schools, though. Way to accuse the 100 or so black people of “hurting” you in college admissions. Lame.</p>

<p>Go refresh yourself on U.S. History. Harvard whites hated jews mainly in the 20s and purposely incorporated holistic admissions to select people on credentials non-merit-based. Asians are not getting in based on reports by sociologists from Harvard and Princeton that Asians have to score 170 points higher than whites. When Proposition 209 was placed in the UC system like galax said, 57% of the blacks were lost and now 60% is Asian. Do that to private universities, and I guarantee you the same will happen. Look at Stuyvesant High in NYC. It is purely merit based admissions. 73% asian. 20 something % white. 1% black. 2% hispanic. I promise you, There are more than 2 smart Asians for every smart black child. Probably 10+ smart Asians for every academically intelligent black. It all cultural though, not genetic, so don’t go calling me a racist. If you know I’m wrong, then you’ll help join the fight to end affirmative action, because its not like black are being helped right? They are just THAT smart right? But you know I’m right, so instead you are going to avoid all my arguments and scream racist. If I were in front of a crowd in person debating this with you, you’d look like a fool. I can’t help it you dislike white people. But yeah, if the colleges become 100% white, then that’s fair. Colleges don’t need to look diverse, they need to be diverse, academically that is. We are all one race, and we need to stop this stupid institutionalized racism. Keep this up and you’ll just be making your race look bad, because Affirmative action’s going to be in the history books and the blacks and the NAACP are going to be the bad guys this time. >:&lt;/p>

<p>How about stepping out of your bigoted community and seeing things from an Asian’s perspective? You’d be calling foul like so many Asians out there. And guess what? Caucasian is a race too. If a college was all black you’d be ok, but if it’s all white, it’s bad, right? This is why my dad hates black people, all they want is more and more entitlement. I want to help inner city kids and actually make them smart, not 1900 SAT smart like the Black standard now, but 2100-2400 smart like Asians have to bust their behinds to get -_-</p>

<p>onlineowl, you don’t seem to get it. If the private schools accepted more Asians, they would STILL have that higher score profile. Blacks are and women are not taking your spot - it’s not reserved for anyone!</p>

<p>Many of us do understand your perspective, but you can’t seem to see yourself from any other perspective - not just ours, but anything other than your own. Yes colleges need academic diversity, but they have also determined that there is value is cultural diversity. You yourself have said the differences are not due to genetics but culture. Well, colleges don’t want more than 30% from a culture like your own. Look to all the discussions recently about taxes, and how the top 1% of income earners don’t understand the rest of us. Why is that? Perhaps because they only know their own 1% culture! </p>

<p>You want low-income blacks, but not middle class or upper-income blacks. Why? Those middle income black students come from households that have broken free from whatever seems to be holding back those still in the lower income brackets. Shouldn’t we want to encourage whatever their parents are doing? The family that made whatever sacrifices necessary to move to a better neighborhood, with better schools. Or do we say, sorry you already moved up enough - time to help someone else. Never mind that you went to a high school where only 3 other kids looked at all like you, and where everyone assumed you didn’t really belong.</p>

<p>Clearly you hate blacks, just like your dad, because he has taught you to do so. You’re the one who seems to think you’re entitled to an elite education. For your sake I hope your attitude doesn’t bleed through to you applications.</p>



<p>Yeah…that’s not the Black standard you racist #%^#[</p>

<p>And this whole obsession with SAT scores as a measure of worth. How’s that working for you guys?</p>

<p>If blacks hate whites, then wouldn’t it make sense for all blacks to attend HBCU’s so they’d for sure be able to avoid the race that we as blacks hate so much? </p>

<p>The entitlement isn’t coming from us. Are blacks suing these top schools for not accepting them? Or is that coming from other races…</p>

<p>I can’t even with this anymore. </p>

<p>There’s more to life than enduring constant attacks. Not really understanding why non minorities feel the need to keep entering and spewing out hateful, condescending remarks on this thread! </p>

<p>Oh well! No minority or majority is keeping anyone from achieving anything. If that’s your mindset, then you will have much bigger problems in life than college admissions.</p>



<p>Error #1: If you two were debating, you would look like a fool for making up a statistic with no actual evidence. Evidence is key, that’s debate 101. Get with it.</p>

<p>Error #2: What gives you the idea that alexis hates white people? Are you just assuming? So once again you don’t have anything to back your assumptions up with. You clearly don’t like black people, for what reason, I don’t know. There’s a mental block stopping you from analyzing the situation from a logical standpoint. You’re making useless comments in order to attack AA and black people in general. If you provided an argument with actual facts and logical views then you would have a point. </p>



<p>I’m sorry you have a father who isn’t wise enough to not generalize. Fools with a myopic view of life continue to slow down progression as a society. Congratulations, you and your father cause more harm than AA.</p>

<p>There’s nothing new here. Take this to the race FAQ.</p>