Affordable and convenient on campus housing

Hi, I’m new to all of the different halls and housing options available at TAMU. Can someone please give me a laydown of all of it? As the title suggests, I’m mainly looking for affordable and decent housing as a freshman. Thanks!

Have you submitted your housing application yet? If not, you need to do that ASAP.

All of the on campus housing is convenient. You will walk regardless of where you live because you freshman classes will be all over. And then some. Get used to a 20 minute walk between two places to be your new normal. You will adjust and it will become no big deal.

Affordable. Here is a link listing all of the halls. The balcony, ramp, and corridor style halls are the most affordable per semester.

This link will be helpful. It is the how to’s for all things ResLife/housing

I was admitted in November, but only submitted my housing application a month or two ago haha (bad decision). The good thing is that I’m guaranteed housing now. It appears that I’ll be able to select my housing in May(?) I’m guessing that I’ll only be able to choose from the ones that I put down as my top choices when I filled out my application and any leftovers.

Thank you so much for the help!