Texas A&M Dorms

I am incoming freshmen at Texas A&M and have questions over its dorms. I have already applied for on campus housing. All my dorm choices were modular dorms, Underwood, Rudder, etc. I am not allowed to select a dorm yet and am wondering when do the dorm selection typically open? Another question, if you have someone you plan to dorm with that you personally know, are you able to request/pick that person as your roommate?

@brianaalv5399 Because Reslife had gone to a whole new format this year, you incoming freshmen are the first to go through the process, so technically, we don’t kow exactly but here is a link I just found by googling, that I have not found through any other link on a TAMU page. Scroll down to Room Selection and Roommates. https://reslife.tamu.edu/procedures/

This reslife link applies only to current students, not incoming students. I was told that they would be issued a time frame, (much like class registration in future semesters,) when they will be able to log on and select their dorm and their room from what has not already been taken. The preferences that were chosen when you registered for housing will be put to use in the event that someone does not make their own selection during their allotted time frame.

That is good to know @AggieMomx4. I should have read the link closer because with the new process, a lot of questions are being asked. Since we are not renewing our housing contract for fall 2017, I had not seen this page before and should have taken more time to explore it before posting.

The Housing Contract says this, which is pretty much what @AggieMomx4 said:

During the spring semester, all applicants will be given a date and time to come back and self select a hall/apartment and room. Applicants will be given a date and time based on their Housing Status (priority, guaranteed or waitlist) and their Housing Priority Date.

In the unlikely event that you are not able to self select a hall/apartment and room, or choose not to self select, you must give us at least three housing preferences so that we can manually assign you. Housing preferences are not a guarantee that you will be placed in these halls/apartments.

Thank you for the answers!

As an FYI, this is what the housing status is now:


At this time, Texas A&M-College Station non-Corps housing is currently full for Fall 2017. We are only offering the Wait List or Notify List option for on-campus housing at this time. Corps of Cadet housing does not close and is always an option

If you are Regent Scholar or a Terry Scholar (both require you to live on-campus), please apply for the Wait List. Once we get confirmation of your scholarship, you will be moved to Guaranteed Housing

Students who apply for the Wait List will get an update in mid-April and will be notified in early June if we can get you on-campus housing. We have found that the longer you can wait, the better your chances are you will get on-campus housing for the Fall. Last year, every student who was on the Wait List was offered and opportunity to live on-campus

Students who apply for the Wait List are “next in line” if housing re-opens. Students who are on the Wait List pay the $50 application fee and pay the $300 deposit (or can request that it be deferred – or paid later). Students who apply for the Notify List, do not pay the application fee and deposit, will be work after all students on the Wait List have had an opportunity to apply.

Can someone shed some light on Traditions, Calloway Villas, and Ucentre?

@calgal99 @lee6666 is familiar with Ucenter. I would call them, as they tend to fill up quickly. I have heard as soon as November. They are highly sought after.

@calga199, My son lives in U Centre at Northgate this year (sophomore year). The complex is fairly new (3-4 years), very nicely furnished, with very good amenities, plus it is in an ideal location, especially if you’re in engineering. The downside is that the units have thin walls! My son does not study there because of this and he and his roommates were also fined $50 each back in October because a neighbor complained about their noise! Traditionally, U Centre has been completely full by the first week of November (my son and his roommates reserved in early October last year), however, they have had trouble filling up for next year, so a few spaces may be left. I know they were still advertising and offering incentives as late as a couple of weeks ago. Parking is easy, and their electric has been minimal ($35 each this past month), and all in all, it’s been a good year. But they have decided to move into a house in Bryan for junior year. Please let me know if you have specific questions, and I’ll be happy to answer them.

I am hoping since my son applied for housing in January before housing was full that he will be OK as far as getting a dorm room for the Fall. He has not picked or been assigned a room online - does this mean he will not get a room now and he should look for off campus options?

When he applied it said it was Priority Housing still.

Assignments to chose dorms will come out later. Have him make sure to keep checking his tamu email.

Great! Thanks! He is Blinn Eng Academy, so didn’t get an offer until Jan. We really want him to live in the dorms his first year.

@Lemet12 make a list of forms your son wants to stay in, in order, so that when his assigned time opens, he has choices. There maybe room in his first choice but if there isn’t, it’s good to be prepared and know what your next choices will be.

So if you have a roommate already selected do you get to put in the time-slot for the person with the highest priority to select your dorm? Both of them are priority but I think my son applied for housing before his roommate did.

Somewhere I had read that the roommate with the latest date is the date they go by for the priority - not sure where I read that, though, if it was on the A&M site or on here!

See #5

Can someone please tell me the benifits of living on campus verses off?

I applied for housing super early, so I have a strong possibility of getting hullabaloo. If I were to choose a roommate on the roommate finder, will that affect my chances of getting hullabaloo?