After Admitted to TAMU Class of 2026... Whoop!

@HowdyVal yay! You received confirmation that the next step will be phase 2? If so, you’re in!
Speaking of phase 2, it literally doesn’t matter what dorm choices he lists/ranks, it’s basically a useless step, so don’t fret over what to list. All boils down to time stamp Housing deposit is paid and what beds are open when it’s his dorm selection time in late spring. Promise!

Yes thanks to info y’all had posted here we were very sure we went thru all the steps to the very end.

We asked for info on a few of the LLCs. My older son attends U of Mich and I really wish he had done one his freshman year.

My sons big envelope came in the mail a day after he saw his acceptance in the portal, so I’m wondering how long it was there. Regardless, feeling really fortunate that he got an answer so quickly since he’s just outside the top 10% at his school.


I even took a screen shot of it saying Phase I complete…continue to Phase II.

Thanks, again. It’s really amazing how such kind people take the time to help strangers.

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@HowdyVal acceptance had been there at least a week, if not more, if he already got the banner in the mail.
There are LLCs, some better than others. A&M is huge, other than Engineering LLC, you really don’t hear much about the others. My Aggie is Mays, there isn’t an LLC for Mays, and she wanted to live in a ‘normal dorm’ (her words)-mixed with students from multiple majors, to meet as many people as possible.
If you haven’t taken a dorm tour yet, I highly suggest taking one over Christmas break. Weather is decent (instead of being 90+ degrees) and campus is empty. It’s a great time to tour. Ask questions about LLC, decide on Southside vs Northside. ResLife website is really good too, for virtual tour-prices, photos, history of dorm, etc.

Thanks. Very good idea to do that during break.

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And holy moly on the acceptance being there a week. With him being outside the top 10% I just wasn’t yet nagging him to check anything yet.

Maybe they are moving things along faster this year. Sure hope that’s the case.

In addition to the TAMU ResLife website, another way to see virtual dorm tours is YouTube. Lots of students like to show off their rooms. You can get a unique perspective walking down the hallway, going into the room, looking in the closet, turning into the bathroom, etc. It can help narrow down options before you go tour in person.


Yes! And Pinterest pages, too!

Since this thread is for people who have been accepted, I hope no one thinks this post is insensitive or wrong to post here. This is not a question I want to call A&M to ask.

My son has been accepted. But he also has other acceptances and is surprisingly not as excited about A&M as we expected. He’s surrounded by an extended family of Aggies. We’ve gone to a bunch of football games and tailgates this year. But we did a campus visit last fall and the info session was very brief and bland. I was so surprised. Our student tour guide did a good job. But overall the experience didn’t knock his socks off. Recently he has another university calling him to ask if he’s going to accept.

Beside doing a residence hall tour, does anyone have ideas for visits or contacts he could make that might fire him up more? Do they do any overnight stay programs?

I’d love for him to get a call from a current student.

I know it’s ultimately his decision. Again, I am sorry if anyone feels this is the wrong place to post this.

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My DC received a call during their cycle from a lower-tier school. They had a current student call everyone that was accepted to see what they could do to get them to accept. Good schools don’t need to do that. If your child wanted to talk to a current student, there are ways. Former HS graduate, Reddit, call the school and ask for a name, etc.

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I saw that his major is statistics. I’m familiar with statistics programs and A&M is only of only a few Texas universities that offer a major in statistics and it’s quite good. Those also include Rice, SMU and Baylor. I don’t see that UT offers a stats major but did have 5000 students take 71 stats related undergrad courses (avg of 70/class).

You could also compare A&M’s career outcomes with other target schools. Applied Math in the College of Science.


Seconding @tristatecoog 's advice. I would encourage him to also think about his major when considering his selection and outcomes. The major is an important factor for some majors. This has been an important consideration for my daughter as well. Some majors are pretty universal. Some are more niche and not all colleges have the major.

As far as outcomes, A good site for comparing colleges for outcomes is the college score card by the US Dept of education. You can click to compare schools. It was pretty eye opening when we compared the 4 schools my daughter has been accepted to.

And the Aggie Survey (A&M’s career outcomes) @tristatecoog provided is excellent. I wish all schools had that!


As an analytical person, I completely agree with @tristatecoog and @martinezcs. Excellent research tools.

However, there’s a saying: People buy based on emotion and justify with logic.

While @HowdyVal 's son might be swayed by comparing numbers (he is going after Stats, after all), it sounds like she’s looking for some emotional pull to “fire him up.”

I know that there are some overnight programs and some specific to certain departments. Here are some events and programs for prospective students.


P.S. I also think it is important that he feels good about his decision, however he arrives at it and whatever school that takes him to!


Is there a way to pay the housing deposit since we have the tabs, or do we need to wait until more official notification?

@HowdyVal our official A&M tour in 2018 was hands down THE WORST of the 12 schools we toured (most SEC, Clemson, Stanford, USC, Baylor). My Aggie husband was embarrassed how truly awful it was. Tour guide said, “oh, our mascot is a dog”…:pleading_face::pleading_face: It went downhill from there.
Thankfully my Aggie could see past the wretched tour (we’re long time season ticket holders, she truly bleeds maroon, she’s 3rd gen Aggie).
If you know any current Aggie, especially a current freshman living on campus, I suggest having your son spend the weekend on campus. Just make sure it’s a gung ho, total Red Ass, who will really give your kid full tour.:+1:t3:
Going to Aggie basketball games over Christmas break are a lot of fun! Campus is empty, great for waking around, games are a blast.
But if his heart isn’t totally sold on TAMU, don’t force him to go.


@HowdyVal Does he know anyone from his high school that is a current freshman? I think just talking to people he knows and trusts currently experiencing Aggie life and college life at his other choices is a good way to decide, especially with post covid college life.

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DD got tabs and acceptance letter in AIS today. International Studies major. Assigned 1st quarter. NHS, NEHS, Span honors, but no other ec’s because she is also a career competitive gymnast. Will join the corps and rotc and has done spend the night with the corps. So glad that she got the news before Christmas break.


My twin sons got accepted today! Whoop - Private school does’t rank - both were assigned to the 1st QTR
DS1 - Engineering - ACT 30 GPA 4.19
DS2 - AG Business (2nd choice, Mays was 1st) - Test optional - GPA 4.02
Excited house here! My husband and I are Aggies and we have older son that goes to A&M Galveston! Gig’ Em!


Our tour guide was fine but the TAMU adult employee who led the info session and the format of the info session were just super bland compared to other schools. Her tone when answering questions from the audience was just not at all enthusiastic or upbeat. They didn’t have any students present. I’m also an Aggie and I thought of all the schools that can bring the excitement and passion to an info session….It is TAMU. I just didn’t feel like it let my son know what I know about TAMU. And until a couple years ago….we’ve lived in Michigan for 8 years, so he’s not been on or around campus much.

Thanks for all the great ideas y’all. We have no intention of forcing him to go somewhere he doesn’t want to go.

I just want him to understand the feeling of being an Aggie and that one official campus visit didn’t do it.