After Admitted to TAMU Class of 2026... Whoop!

Awards have been posted. Our daughter just got we what expected. The college board national recognition program scholarship ( which had already been awarded and has been in her portal for months) and the federal unsubsidized loan. No new or additional awards.


Just saw this posted! I tell all incoming freshman parents ā€œdonā€™t hold your breathā€, but scholarship awards are coming (to some)! And honestly & truly, itā€™s a small % that gets $$, so donā€™t be greatly disappointed if your kid doesnā€™t get anything.
Great FB page to follow, btw (there are many great pages actually).


@martinezcs i canā€™t remember, is Presidentā€™s Endowed included with that?

No. It is $6,000 per year for 4 years- which we certainly appreciate!

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Thatā€™s way better than PES! Impressive, and I know youā€™re proud of your girl!

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We just checked. As expected, my kid got zero scholarships. Oh wellā€¦not surprised.

Does anyone know if you can double dip the NMF and NM hispanic recognition scholarships or will the NMF one be given over the recognition one?

You cannot double dip national scholar awards. You only get the larger.

The national hispanic recognition scholarship is larger than the NM semifinalist scholarship. (So you would only get the recognition scholarship in this case)

The NM finalist scholarship is larger than the national hispanic recognition. (So you would only get the NM scholarship in this case.)

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ahhh ok I figured, thank you!

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so Iā€™m confused, is scholarship notification coming from the mail or portal? So if nothing in portal now we are not one of the 15000 getting a letter?

Good question! Itā€™ll definitely show up in the FinAid tab of Howdy, but some may get a hard copy letter and/or email as well. My Aggie has received an email, but some have just appeared in her portal. I think the only hard copy letter she received was for Presidentā€™s Endowed.
Scholarships can definitely come out during the summer and even into August. Just tell your Aggie to check FinAid tab every so often, as they must be ā€˜acceptedā€™ by the student to activate/apply.

Any scholarships awarded today? Iā€™ve been hoping to see some more posts about scholarship awards from people!

I assume only the first phase, today is the major mass upload of FAFSA data from all admitted students.
NMF data is not in until later this month.


Ok. I assumed the academic scholarships were awarded today? Our FAFSA was updated but we were hoping for a general academic scholarship on top of the national scholar award (one of each can stack). But maybe they havenā€™t awarded the academic scholarships yet?

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No, you cannot stack. You get the highest one.

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Oops, sorry! Just now seeing that it was already answered :slight_smile:

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DS was admitted today into Blinn TEAM!! We are so excited for him, and he is pumped! He has an NSC question that I hope someone can answer. As Blinn Team, he is coming in unassociated with any particular major, but he can take classes targeting a desired major (right??), which for him is construction science in the College of Architecture. So, when registering for NSC, should he try to pick a date slotted for both TAP/Blinn and Architecture? That way, he can talk with an advisor from Blinn and Architecture. Or, should he not worry about Architecture for the NSC and just pick any NSC date offered for TAP/Blinn?


@ashill77 I would have him contact someone and ask/double check. Or does it mention it somewhere on Howdy correspondence, which NSC to register for?

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Have you verified thereā€™s a pathway agreement for consci? And look at the agreement requirements.

Not sure youā€™ll be able to speak with someone from that college but if you can find a way to get one where they both areā€¦ try!

Edited to say there is no pathway agreement. Transferring into consci is pretty easy. Min gpa 2.5. Only 2 required courses. If I were you. Go thru the process take college physics and math 140 and then whatever other courses you want that follow the degree plan. Then after you have 24 graded credits (including dual credit) apply for straight transfer. Easy peasy for a team student.


Financial Aid Office sent an email around 5pm this afternoon asking my student to check the portal.