After Admitted to TAMU Class of 2026... Whoop!

Which group were you in? We were in the DFW group. My daughter won a $500 scholarship in the drawing. :slight_smile:
We have an email out to the recruiter to check. I’ll let you know what they say. Here is what we sent the recruiter this morning.
“If I can only come to College Station for one- National Scholars Day (Fall), National Scholars Experience (Spring) or scheduling a personalized campus visit which would be better if my main goal is to tour and learn more about the visualization program? Since I am already admitted and I attended the national scholar invitational summer parent program which was an overnight program that covered a lot of information about TAMU overall. I’m wondering which visit would be best for me to plan to learn more about the VIZ program so I can compare to the other schools I have been admitted to for same major.”

Here is the info from the TAMU website about the available programs:

National Scholar Day | Fall
Those who attend NSD will receive information about our scholarship opportunities, and will meet with college/departmental staff about their major areas of interest. Attendees can expect to participate in a faculty and student panel, learn more about the honors program and much more.

National Scholar Experience | Spring
Attendees of NSE will get a first-hand look at life on campus here at Texas A&M. Participants will take part in academic sessions and be able to interact with current students; and will learn more on the next steps to enrolling at the university.

National Scholar Invitational | Summer
National Scholar Invitational is a program designed to show prospective students what Texas A&M University has to offer. At this event students will learn more about academic programs, student life and much more! This event is invitation only for students who are rising seniors, have scored high on their PSAT/NMSQT test and on track to being recognized as a National Merit or National Recognition Scholar.

*These specific programs are offered to National Merit Semifinalists, National Merit Finalists, and College Board National Recognition Scholars. Invitations are sent directly to eligible students. The format of these programs is pending approval and planning every year. If you have any questions about these programs, you can contact us at

Can’t make it to a National Scholar event? No problem, let us help schedule a personalized campus visit for you!

With at least a two weeks’ notice we will do our best to set up appointments and tours for you to learn more about Texas A&M University.

To set up your personalized campus visit, please select a date from the calendar and click the link to register. A representative from our office will follow up with you to coordinate your campus visit.

Based on this I’m thinking we might do a personalized tour or the scholar experience in the spring. But I’m interested to hear what the recruiter says.

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The invitational event we did this summer was in July, and a one day event, not overnight, and I do not recall them doing a drawing at this one. They did not have us in specific groups. We are from the DFW area, but had a family from California at our table. It’s interesting how many events they have out there!

@martinezcs i would definitely still contact the dorm tour people. The only dorm I know of you can wander around in is Hullabaloo. It has the open lobby, open tour room. The other tour rooms require a key/swipe to get into the building and into the model tour room. You could easily explain your circumstance-that you don’t want a full tour, just want to see a couple dorms.
Not every dorm has a model room, and especially this year since Housing is full.
Biggest thing, your daughter really needs to narrow it down to Northside vs Southside, and go from there. If she really wants a single room, there will be more options on Northside.
*The ResLife guides are clueless when it comes to knowing how the housing selection works, so don’t bother asking them questions. Just stick to letting them show you the model rooms. But definitely contact them ahead of time, don’t just plan to show up that day and expect to see some rooms.


Gotcha. Yeah my daugther received an invitation for the DFW group of college board recognition program scholars. They covered the room and meals. We all stayed in the hotel / conference center on campus. We all had dinner together with recruiters in the Chancellors suite at Kyle field. They spoiled us. There were about a dozen students plus a parent each. Campus tour, dorm tour, student panels.

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Ok. We saw model rooms. But we didn’t pay attention to location of rooms she might want to try to get which floor which side of building, etc like you mentionned. Since she wants a single it’s going to be Hart Hall which is quite central, or Walton Hall the freshman dorm on northside or white creek. The hullabaloo single is too expensive. There is also davis - gary but she’d rather not have the corridor style with the bath down the hall.

@martinezcs White Creek single will be pricey and WAY too far for a VIZ freshman, don’t do it. It’s a lovely facility, but super far from main campus-definitely not walkable. Stick with Hart, Walton or Davis-Gary, you won’t have a problem getting one of those, with such early dorm selection. Great location, lots of character!
While you’re on campus, walk around them, take some pics from all sides, rank them 1, 2,3 (cause you’ll forget by the time it is April).
I had community bath in college, and loved it!! You never wake up a roommate/suitemate, you don’t have to provide your own toilet paper, your bathroom gets cleaned daily. Something to be said for community bath!


Good points. I’ll run it by her. Yeah the only downside to white creek is the location. otherwise it’s perfect. She would actually like the 4/4 and have roommates. She doesn’t mind roommates. She’d prefer roommates. She just doesn’t want a double bedroom. We have the price sheet. WC is more than the others but less than hullaballoo. But yeah most likely Hart, Davis Gray, or Walton. Walton is nice because it is steps away from the dining hall on one side and Hullaballoo on the other side with access to all the nice stuff on hullaballoo’s ground floor. Hart is closer to VIZ. I’ll run the points you made by her and we will go again and walk them again. :slight_smile: I never lived on campus. I lived in an apartment off campus with a roommate. :woman_shrugging:

WC kids miss out on a lot, I think. Lots of chatter on Aggie Parents page during Howdy Week this year. WC freshman didn’t know how to get to things at night (like late night pancakes at Sbisa, scavenger hunt) on Main Campus-buses weren’t running yet, they didn’t have parking pass for those lots. It is definitely far over there, and you can’t just go back & forth. It’s a shame WC isn’t on Main Campus. But as long as students are willing to pay and live in the current dorms, they won’t tear them down and rebuild.
Nothing beats living ON campus as a freshman!
That area around Hullabaloo is great-close to Sbisa, the Houston St USPS (I recommend that over campus mail in Hullabaloo) the AggieExpress and Starbucks on the exterior of Hullabaloo, the open space between all the dorms, Northgate just across University (which you definitely want to avoid a room facing that, FYI) - a great location!

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On the flip side and another viewpoint, my son LOVED White Creek. He lived there freshman year. With the White Creek community center right there he had access to quick food, study halls, music rooms, computer lab, etc. There’s also West Campus library. AND if they want “main campus” they can bike (most do), shuttle (very accessible), or park in Lot 100 (Reed Arena and walk through the tunnel straight to Kyle field, MSC, etc.

Once they leave their room for the day, they typically don’t go back until they are done. Lots of camaraderie in each dorm but you only get what you give. = )


My daughter got a nice big envelope from TAMU yesterday! So nice to have that in hand, even though she was auto admit. Now, to get the engineering acceptance


My Phase II housing opens next week and I’m wondering if there is any time sensitivity to getting this done right when I receive access? Since we are just selecting our preferences is this still a first come first serve thing as I thought that was done in Phase IV and based on when I completed Phase I. Thanks for your help.

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Phase 1 is the only time stamp. No worries. Just complete Phase 2 when you can. I wouldn’t wait but it’s not time sensitive in regards to dorm selection.


Yes! My daughter received her packet from TAMU and ASU yesterday too!


Thanks for asking. I was wondering the same thing.

@Jt007 the whole ‘list your top choices’ during Phase 2 is super deceptive. It doesn’t work like that. The only thing that matters for Housing is time stamp Housing deposit is made. Promise. Ask any parent who has been thru it. You can list & rank all you want, but no one does anything with that list. The only thing that matters is what rooms & beds are open when it is your students selection time. For real. It’s the Hunger Games, essentially like selecting seats on an airplane during a $99 Anywhere R/T offer or buying concert tickets as soon they go on sale.
The most stressful 10 minutes ever. And the earlier your selection time, the better.


@52AG82 and @ChristiR93 Thanks for the feedback. Appreciate it!


Thanks. My son is not Top 10% but he has had all 6 tabs for a long time now. He input his app late July. He wants Mays but not sure if it fills with the Top 10% or not. Anyone know the answer to that? Or when he might hear back??

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Applications didn’t open until August 1. Are you certain he completed the correct app, for Fall 2022?


Haven’t heard of any holistic with 6 tabs yet. Did he also apply to Galveston?

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@SFulton application to A&M didn’t open until August 1. Mays fills quickly, no one can be sure how many Top 10% apply every year, but it is usually full by early October.
Those with 6 tabs this year have usually gotten acceptance within a few days, but they’ve all been automatic acceptance so far.