<p>I want to become an Air Force Officer and hopefully an Air Force Pilot but I’m not sure I want to get up at 6:30 every morning during college. Any thoughts?</p>
<p>DS went through this last yr. You need to look inside of yourself. We sat DS down and went through the AF req curriculum (you can find it on the AFA website). We also went through what the daily schedule will be like (again AFA website). We discussed why the AFA…finance an issue…becoming a pilot the reason? In the end we asked him point out blank (he had a ROTC scholarship in hand) if you could become a pilot either way which would you choose? It took him a milli second and the answer wasn’t AFA. We visited his det at his top choice, he spoke to the commander and to other ROTC cadets that were graduating…everybody with a 3.0+ that asked for UPT got it…this also remained true for Dec. 08 grads. He felt confident and signed his ROTC papers that day, we also walked over to the Bursars and pd the deposit. He has nev looked back and is happy in his personal decision</p>
<p>The AFA is an education that cannot even be compared against…it is top notch and you will be associating with some of the finest people in the nation. That being said it does take a special person to endure the rigors that is expected of you. Do not go there to get into UPT, go there because you are drawn to and desire a military education. Many things may happen down the road that may preclude you from going to UPT. I look at it differently than others…if you want to be a kid still and dedicate your life in 4 yrs to the AF go ROTC…if you want to dedicate your life to the AF now than go AFA. Neither decision is right or wrong, because the goal as a parent is to see our child happy.</p>
<p>You need to do a gut check…and then go with that and never look back with the what if!</p>
<p>BTW I suggest you watch the military channel series of inside the SA’s…it goes through the 4 yrs of ea academy. I am sure a lot of the kids here will laugh at you with the 6:30 comment…and if you do go start practicing sleeping on top of your bed Also start learning how to swallow your food after 7 chews :eek: and sit at attention 7" from the table for meals…nobody attack me, I just love watching that on the episode. We did it with DS and I never realized before how long a person chews before swallowing…question for 1,2,3 digs do you still only chew 7 times?</p>
<p>earlier than 6:30, depending on the day. ;)</p>
<p>like pima said…it’s really personal preference. we live and breathe air force almost every minute of every day. most of us here happen to like that (though few might admit it…they keep at it).</p>
<p>i’ve met people who’ve gone through ROTC and loved it.</p>
<p>if it helps you, make a list of things you like/dislike about each one and mull them over for the next few weeks.</p>
<p>and in the meantime, feel free to ask us what it’s like here. there are quite a few of us freshmen on here, plus 3 degs and 2 degs, so we can let you know what it’s like each year (because each year comes with its own challenges and benefits.)</p>
<p>but its at 0630 when you’re a freshmen. People need to understand that you’re at the academy more as an upperclassmen than as a freshmen… Freshmen year only lasts so long until. Practicing sleeping on your bed and all them tricks are all for FRESHMEN year. Freshmen year does not represent the whole academy experience, and should not alone be the reason you don’t come here.</p>
<p>Thanks everyone. What’s the schedule like after Freshman year? Is there time for skiing, hiking etc.?</p>
<p>fer sure.</p>
<p>you can always go hiking here, and ski club is like $40 and they go up every sunday.</p>
<p>i’ve actually never been up with them, but i’ve been skiing a few times. the beauty of ski club is that even if our class isn’t allowed to sign out because of whatever reason, you can still go with them.</p>
<p>yea, the ski club is awesome. i’ve been skiing a few times now with them, and it’s pretty cool.</p>
<p>One true beauty of the AFA is you will make life long friends, these are people who will pick you up when you are falling…no other experience can compare to that camraderie</p>
<p>Last weekend was the first weekend this semester I haven’t skiied. Both my 4 and 3-dig years (I’m a 2 dig now), I skiied probably 6 weekends each season. Very fun. Nowadays, I actually wake up at about 0515 to hit the gym (but I go to sleep between 2100-2200 at night). Upperclassmen can pretty much wait till about 0700 to wake up. Honestly, if waking up early is that much of an issue for you to come here vs. ROTC, go ROTC because waking up early is the least of our worries. </p>
<p>I do ski/hike/camp and do other activities a lot. As long as you keep on top of your work and athletics to keep from being restricted, you will have a lot of freedom to enjoy yourself.</p>
<p>given there’s hiking/skiing/camping opportunities in the Springs, Does anyone have info or knowledge about if there are cadets who geocache in the area?</p>
<p>Starvin - Keep trying to talk my cadet into geocaching. I have geochached with my sister and husband who are AVID cachers. Tons of fun. A blast. Great way to explore. They have one of those things, can’t remember the name of them, you leave behind, and they left it in Hawaii and it has been circling the globe for two years and is currently in Vancouver.</p>
<p>I know geocaching has been mentioned before and can’t remember which cadet does so. Hopefully they will see this subject and post to you in reference. Think of all the geocaching you could do in Colorado!!!</p>
<p>Starvinmarvin, there are cadets who Geocache. My daughter went a few weekends ago and sent me some awesome pictures of her adventures and treasures.</p>
<p>Is Skiing considered a sport at the Academy?</p>
<p>theres a ski team :)</p>
<p>How difficult is it to keep from being restricted?</p>
<p>mostly, not hard. get reasonable grades, stay in pretty good shape, and don’t do anything stupid.</p>
<p>as a 4 degree a month before recognition, almost impossible. ;)</p>
<p>but you can still go on most club/sport affiliated trips and you can still go to your sponsor’s house.</p>
<p>yep, my squad is restricted this weekend lol :(</p>
<p>oh well, 21 more days ;)</p>
<p>I’m assuming this is an IC Ski Team? God that would be great to get back into racing. Whats the deal with the All Colorado Ski Pass and how much are they?</p>
<p>The All Colorado Pass gets you into Breckenridge, Vail, Beavercreek, Keystone, and A-Basin. I got it this year for $350. Might sound like a lot but last weekend was the first time I have not gone snowboarding since coming back from break.</p>
<p>ummm, it depends on the squadron. In general, if you pass your knowledge tests and don’t get yourself in trouble, you will probably not be restricted, however, if a lot of other people fail, or if someone in your squad gets caught doing something stupid, you may get restricted for that.</p>
<p>Then there is the favorite “you guys need to step it up…so we are restricting you” that can apply to squadrons, groups, or in our current situation, the entire freshman class 9but I will not go into that)</p>