Airline policies on seating for plus sized customers- your thoughts?

That page has some “good old days” rose colored glasses, especially with seat width. 737 aircraft have been used for decades; fitting 2-inch wider seats in the same 3+3 configuration would not be more possible in an old 737 than it is in a new one.

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My 6’5 son’s flight on United was canceled today. Unfortunately, he is stuck with a middle seat on his rescheduled flight on Thursday. Oh, well.

He actually prefers a window seat. Says there’s “plenty of room.” Go figure.

Article from the NYT today:


Admittedly, I read through that quickly and didn’t see anything about flying i.e. the seat size on the planes.

I almost always take my shoes off on a plane. Sometimes I am wearing sandals so don’t have socks. But I pop on a pair of low socks because planes can be so darned cold.


Good idea about popping on some low socks. I’m sure your feet are lovely though!

But, many people have feet I prefer not to see. Especially in an enclosed space like a plane!


I keep the socks in the backpack… use them kindof like slippers.

I have TSA-pre now. Could not use it on our last flight outbound, redeye and it was closed (though we did get a card to carry that eased our requirements somewhat). LOVED using it on the way home. So much less scrambling at security line.


I thought about this thread at the outdoor James Taylor concert last night. We were on folding chairs with no space between them. The woman next to me was large. It was a little uncomfortable. I just tried to scoot over a little away from her. Glad I’ve lost weight, ha.

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We used to have season tickets to the opera, which was performed at our city concert hall. The people who had the seats next to us were a man who was so large he literally couldn’t sit properly in the chair facing forward and had to angle his body sideways for the entire performance and his petite wife or GF. It seemed pretty tortuous to have to be in that awkward position for the multiple hour production and it didn’t surprise me when they stopped their season subscription before we did.

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Here is a general airline travel thread that is not specific to customer of size issues:

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Next time I fly I’ll remember this, and make sure to clip my toenails the night before departure. hehe

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I have been on planes where they requested people not take off their shoes. Evidentially there had been odor complaints(?)

Oh, my gosh.

Our ds was on the Quiz Bowl team in high school, and this mom we really didn’t know wound up riding with us to a tournament - the kids all road in the school van. She was in the back seat, and we heard a clicking sound. I eventually turned around and she clipping her finger nails (so, yeah, it could have been worse!) in my dh’s car. :scream:

One of the reasons some Chrysler minivans come with a Dustbuster/Dirt Devil type vacuum – you never know when someone will clip their nails in your vehicle. lol

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Interesting gentleman from Ga Tech Research Institute is between us today.

Following up on comments here about animals on flights, this just popped up in my feed: Delta affirms it’s policy on fake service animals on flights. Delta Clarifies Position on 'Fake Service Animals' onboard Flights

It seems we have exhausted the original topic of the thread, so further OT posts can go on this thread. Closing.

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