Airport to Campus Travel options?

<p>I didn’t find a sticky, but I’m looking for all the various transportation options (and potential costs) for getting my student to/from campus from the Birmingham Airport. We’re trying to assess how this will work for our OOS student for BamaBound and various breaks when we won’t be traveling with her.</p>

<p>UA has a shuttle on school breaks. Costs for this year were $30 each way or $50 roundtrip. <a href=“”>;/a&gt; UA will have enough space for every student who purchases a ticket.</p>

<p>For other dates, there are a variety of private airport shuttles and taxi services. Rates range from $60-120+tip each way. </p>

<p>Many students will ride in a friend’s car to/from the airport. The airport is on the way to cities to the north, Atlanta, and is a minor (10-20 min) detour on the way to Montgomery.</p>

<p>Getting in/out of UA seems to be a worry of OOS parents, understandably. We’re from IL, and this turned out to be the least of our worries. First of all, I overestimated how many times kid would be traveling - honestly, that first year it was only Thanksgiving and Christmas (I drove down to move in/out). Second year it was only Christmas. The UA shuttle has always worked for us, but even if we were to pay for private transport, the $100-200 per year expense would not be much in the grand scheme of things. I don’t mean to belittle any worries parents have about getting to/from the airport. Just rest assured that 10s of thousands of students do it, and there is always a solution, and in most cases, that solution does not cost a lot. </p>

<p>For BamaBound, we have had helpful CC parents picking up kids who were traveling on their own from airports and helping each other out. Also, the more other families/students you know (through FB, CC, or your own schools), the more likely there is a solution that will work for you. Do not be afraid to ask for help in your student is ever in a bind at the airport!</p>

<p>So far traveling to and from the airport in the University shuttle has worked well for freshman son. Now that he has more friends on campus, he might feel more comfortable coordinating rides to and from the airport with individuals, or splitting the cost of smaller vans or taxi type services. I would advise making reservations for air travel early.</p>

<p>We use Tony’s Transportation. He’s become like part of the family. PM me if you would like his phone number. Very reliable and economical.</p>