Alabama University Fellows Experience (UFE)

Has anyone received any negative news so far?

My DD received the thank you but no thank you email today.

My kiddo rec’d semifinalist email.

NVM - she was telling me that she didn’t make GT presidential. Still no word either way from UA UFE.

I wonder if rejections are sent out via snail mail and only acceptances get emails. @mammabearx3 did he/she just get the email today?

No, a few days back.

I got my semi finalist e-mail and am wondering what kind of questions the interviewers are known to ask

bamagirl20; see post #18 in this thread. That should help you prepare.

Swim4school: thank you! I did look at that but was really wondering if they’d ask any wild and almost off the wall questions… I had a phone interview for the Wharton school at UPenn that was about an hour long; they even asked what house would I be in Harry Potter if the sorting hat chose and why? I just want to be prepared if Bama will be asking similar questions.

The interview is 7-8 minutes. They need to get a sense of who you are, and don’t have a lot of time for weird questions. Its straightforward.

When do the finalists results come out?

meaa7130: the finalist results should come out in early February because the Finalist Weekend is Feb. 26-27

@meaa7130 On the phone they said in the next couple weeks, but I imagine it will be pretty soon because the chosen people need to start booking their flights. Plus I think Thursday is the last day they are doing interviews?

They make the whole flight arrangement, airport pickup and hotel arrangements very quickly for the finalists–its a very fast process. Remember the next phase is a snail mail process, so slower than you want!


Does this imply that THEY will make the flight arrangements? I was wondering if I should start checking flight details (just in case) so that we already have an idea of what options are available IF the hoped-for invite comes for dd. The invitees pay for their own flights, right? I’ve read conflicting information regarding that… :slight_smile:

What is the date to start stalking the mailman? Anyone know more than ‘next couple of weeks’?

Perhaps Friday for the Alabama/Tennessee group? Pure speculation…

Looking back at posts from previous years the people closest to Tuscaloosa received on Wednesday or Thursday.

It’s the hunt for the square red envelope!

@daisy1016 …this week Wed/Thurs or next week?