ALERT! UC Berkeley Alumni Scholarship Apps lost

<p>I got this today by email. Beware. Make sure they have your app! They don't have mine. God...I hope I don't have to write the essays again. Check out the 6000 number. I'm screwed. Man, am i stressed out: </p>

<p>"Dear Alumni Scholar applicant,</p>

<p>"We apologize for the prior difficulty you experienced in submitting your application. As you may know, we experienced an unusually high amount of web traffic between Sat. 1/31 9:00 p.m. PST – Mon. 2/2 9:00 a.m. PST that resulted in a number of applications not received by our Scholarship department.</p>

<p>"Although, we have successfully received over 6,000 applications thus far for our scholarships, unfortunately, your application was one of those affected by a server issue. As a note of reference, less than 100 applications were affected by this technical issue. </p>

<p>"The Scholarship department, along with our Information and Technology department, are working on creating an alternative method for you to apply. We will be announcing this early next week.</p>

<p>"Again, we apologize for any confusion or inconvenience. And we appreciate your patience with this matter.</p>

<p>Thank you,
Director of Scholarships</p>

<p>Alumni Scholarship Office
<a href=""></a>
1 Alumni House
Berkeley, CA 94705"</p>

<p>That sucks for all of us!</p>

<p>6000 people applying means no one is going to get it =[</p>

<p>but hey, it seems like we all have a good shot of getting in!
10,000 people are admitted, and this scholarship is open to all cal students.
so, we’re in the top?</p>

<p>That sucks, but maybe you shouldn’t wait till the very last minute to submit your app.</p>


<p>It’s not his/her fault that Berkeley lost it!
Their database could have very well crashed at the start of the process, losing those apps.</p>

<p>Now, I will tell him/her that it reallllllly sucks that they didn’t save the essays. =[</p>

<p>I submitted 2 days BEFORE the deadline. Don’t dump on the victim. And don’t, please don’t rant on me about not saving the essays. They were a mashup of USC and Stanford essays, so I can re-mash.</p>

<p>Wow, sorry, dude. That really sucks. At least they’re giving you another chance to apply, though. That’s cool of them.</p>

<li> F**k. I just got rejected for another scholarship. I really didn’t need this.</li>

<p>"6000 people applying means no one is going to get it =[</p>

<p>but hey, it seems like we all have a good shot of getting in!
10,000 people are admitted, and this scholarship is open to all cal students.
so, we’re in the top?"</p>

<p>This means that around 6000 give or take 1000 people got this scholarhip opportunity. If they do accept only 10000 I hope what your saying is true about us having a higher chance of admission.</p>

<p>I thought all applicants could do this scholarship? 6000 seems like the # that chose to do it, I don’t think it says anything about your chances.</p>

<p>But if some of them didn’t get in, then they can’t get the scholarship. So we have def more than a 1,000 in 6,000 chance or w/e. (Er…Regents scholars at least… >.>)</p>

<p>Current Cal students may also apply for the Alumni Scholarship too, FYI.</p>

<p><em>Berkeley</em> didn’t lose it; the alumni association is not <em>Berkeley</em>, lol.</p>