all around student nervous! what are my chances?!

<p>I'm very interested in applying ED to Brown but other schools I am considering are Washington University, Duke, Emory, Cornell, or (I think its too much of a reach) Yale.<br>
-These are obviously my idealistic goal schools. </p>

<p>Currently Im a junior at a highly competitive public school on the east coast, and I'm a female, so I'm just looking into the future to get an idea of where i should visit this approaching spring. </p>

<p>I have a 100 GPA, and although my class doesn't rank my guidance counselor said i would rank within the top 10 of 650 students. Special things about me are that i come from a minimum income poverty level household and i am also a dutch citizen. </p>

<p>Throughout all of my years so far i have received basically straight A+'s in all of the highest courses (full honors and AP schedule in all offered)</p>

<p>Jr. Year Schedule: AP Lang and Comp, College Pre Calc, Spanish 4 Honors, AP Physics B, Personal Fitness, Peers As Leaders, Symphonic Band, AP US, AP Psych.</p>

<p>EC's (ill just give the big ones)
-Secretary of Tri-M music honor society and inductee since freshman year, president senior year (most likely)
-head of Relay for Life (American Cancer Society) for my high school
-member of spanish club and future board member/ vice president senior year
-trained peer helper and group session leader, in charge of leading multiple group sessions
-freshman orientation tour leader and assistant
-best buddy community service project leaders
-member of serendipity (a club uniting children with autism with other students to socialize)
-helped initiate multiple toy drives and food drives
-varsity letters (3 varsity swim, 2 varsity winter track, 3 varsity spring track) also winner of swim and track awards
-two year member of speech and debate team, state qualifier with multiple county titles
-volunteer work at nursing home, lead christmas shows each year
-contributing writer for Ken literary magazine and school news paper and school book review, also i have won multiple local and national writing contests.
-four year member of marching band, possibly drum major senior year
-advanced research psychology student
-student leader at choices and consequences meetings
-winner of norma gold human relations award for extensive work with special education students
-senior year i will be in national honor society
-i am also an SAT tutor </p>

<p>also this upcoming summer i am attending a special medical program to help see if i am interested in the medical field, and i will both most likely either work at a camp for children with cancer or get a volunteer position at a local hospital in the surgical recovery ward during the day and a job to make money at night.</p>

<p>as for scores i am at the prep stage of junior year, also i know for senior year i will have a schedule that includes 7 more AP classes (should all be 4's and 5's, so far i have a 4 for AP Euro Soph year)</p>

<p>as for SATS/ACTS
i have already taken SAT II bio- 710 (low :( freshman year)
I am going to take Lit and Math IC in January and Physics and US in May
According to current practice tests my scores should be well over 700.</p>

<p>I scored 197 on my PSAT before studying and i am taking SATS and ACTS later on this year,
what should my SAT scores be to reach the range of the ivies? I have practiced alot and my timed tests usually come up in the range of 2200.</p>

<p>A mix of speculative scores and my ECS and course load, do I have a chance?! I get so nervous sometimes that i wont be accepted to these high reach schools and i am over estimating myself. Any help is hugely appreciated!</p>

<p>You have a very reasonable chance at these schools. Make sure your essays and letters of recommendation are top notch.</p>

<p>There is always a chance that even a great student won’t get into his reach schools, so be sure to apply to some match schools that are known for good merit aid/financial aid, too. With your statistics and your income level, you should be able to go to a good college at a minimal cost. Check other forums here for info on choosing match colleges to apply to and finding opportunities for good financial help.</p>

<p>i think your ECs look really interesting, although you should probably try to arrange them better… that would make the AO’s job easier too :slight_smile: also, try to do something special in ONE or two of your main ECs that will make you stand out a bit. </p>

<p>Other than that, if your SATs are good and your essays are outstanding i can definitely see you getting into a few of those top schs :D</p>