All of you 'expecting a 3.8-4.0'

<p>To everybody who wrote 'expecting a 3.8-4.0,' what did your final grades end up as?</p>

<p>I'm looking at a 3.6-3.8 - my Intro to Macroecon. class really brought me down, though I mostly have A's and A- 's</p>

<p>Just curious.</p>

<p>I have a 3.89 still. I made 4 A’s and 2 A-'s (in Chinese and an upper level history class). I think I’m very realistic when I say stuff about what I’m expecting for my GPA. Then again, I’m a sophomore, so I already had two semesters of grades to give me an idea of my abilities.</p>

<p>I guess. The econ class I ****ed up on had close to 400 people in it - the professor was good, the HWs ok, but the tests were hard. I messes up the final (81) and lost my chance at an A- I could have had, even thought I studied lots. What brought me down to a B+ (and most of my A- s) was the fact that I messed up my very first test, not because I wasn’t trying, but because I wasn’t studying right. I got myself back on track right after, but it was too late.</p>

<p>I ended up with a 4.0 for 17 hrs. I took Honors English Comp I, Honors Calculus I, General Bio I with Lab, General Chem I w/Lab, and Art Appreciation. I was worried about Art Appreciation, I really had to force myself to pay attention in class and study for the tests, but the final was easier than expected.</p>

<p>I pulled off a 4.0 with 17 credits, I was really worried about my Calculus based Physics class (Phys 207) at my university, it’s worth 5 credits on it’s own and if I got a B that would have brought my GPA down a lot. I did well on the final though and got an A.</p>

<p>expected a 3.7 or 3.8 with 19 credits (spanish, inorganic chem, lab, diff eqs, core humanities, intro philosophy)</p>

<p>ended up with a 3.93 (B+ in lab)
im excited :-D</p>

<p>I just finished this quarter up with a 4.0. It was a close shave. I’m pretty sure that only a fraction of a percentage point off would have taken me down to an A- for one class. I don’t really understand how people can project their grades, so much stuff happens during the quarter or semester that is out of our hands. </p>

<p>One thing that really helped me was using weighted averages to calculate my grades every time I got an assignment back to help me distribute my study time more effectively for future assignments/different classes. </p>

<p>I have found that working with a feeling of failure and impending doom over your head is much better than simply expecting something to fall into place by fiat like many of my peers do, only to have their dreams broken like waves against the rocks.</p>

<p>Viola, I totally know how you feel. It was my first semester of college, I think I overestimated my abilities after I did so well on Midterms. </p>

<p>I was predicting a 3.8-4.0 and ended up with a 3.778…really screwed up one of my finals and got a B+ in the class.</p>

<p>Expected a 4.00, ended up with a 4.00.</p>

<p>I have a 4.00 in my university’s honors program (49 credit hours through 3 semesters).</p>

<p>Expected a 4.0 since I made A’s in everything but was pulling a mid to high B in college algebra. Unfortunately I made a B on the final (expected an A), so I came out with a B in the course and an overall 3.75 GPA (i’m a freshman). My college doesn’t do plus or minus grades.</p>

<p>expected a 3.8 got a 3.86</p>

<p>I ended up with a 3.7 (I am a first semester freshman) and now I am terrified I will not be able to transfer at all. I have never been so angry with myself. I f’ed up near the end because I got over confident in two of my classes and now I have this GPA to deal with. I just don’t know how I am gonna recover form this. And its not like my high school GPA was so hot (3.6 unweighted but I was Straight AP/IB or honors all four years). Damn it! I don’t know how I can remedy this, actually I don’t think that there is a remedy, I am just going to have find another exit.</p>

<p>Got a 4.0 with 15 credits as a freshman. I really want to transfer out of Penn State UP to Wharton or Columbia.</p>

<p>Rhode, we are in the exact same boat. My HS gpa unweighted was 3.82 (all AP and honors classes all 4 years). As a freshman in college I feel like I completely f’ed up my chances for transfer. I feel like my only real hope of transferring somewhere good would be if I made 4.0s for another 3 semesters which would require a lot of time obviously. I also got overconfident in the ONE class that would have made my gpa a 4.0. Shoot.</p>

<p>I’m actually a bit worried how my transcript will look to adcoms when I go for a sophomore transfer this year as my state university does A+ grades; the colleges I’m trying to transfer to have A as the highest grade.</p>

<p>I wonder if they would apply a sort of grade realignment, as in an A+ at my college would actually be an A, and an A would actually be an A- or whatever?</p>

<p>I ended up with a 4.15 for this semester, two A’s and two A+'s</p>

<p>18 Credits:</p>

<p>Intermediate Spanish
Writing Composition II
Multivariable Calc
Humanities Colloquium (Pass/No Pass option only)</p>

<p>a532, when you transfer, your GPA does not usually transfer[some schools may be exceptions, but not the majority]. I’ve had to start from scratch each time.</p>

<p>I wasn’t expecting a 4.0. I’ve gotten two out of four grades back, one A- and one A. I didn’t get back graded work in 2 out of my four classes, so I really had no idea how to predict the final grades[the A- for one]. Hoping for the best in the other two.</p>

<p>to a532 they will not “demote” an A to an A- but the A+ will be considered an A in terms of GPA. They will still see the A+ though (which looks nice)</p>

<p>At the beginning of the semester, I was expecting a 3.6ish. After midterms, I was expecting 3.68 - 3.84. After finals week, I was expecting a 3.8. In actuality, I ended up with a 4.0. :)</p>

<p>I think when you come off strongly at first, you’re more likely to feel secure about whatever grade you’re earning, whereas if you start off weaker, you KNOW you have to work harder to earn your desired grade.</p>

<p>i took American Business(Honors) Business Calculus (Honors) English, World History, University Prep and Biology. and i made 4.0 gpa. it was not that unexpected as i was kinda sure of it.
i think next sem is gona b quite tough as i am goinf to take micro-economics, macro-economics and Calculus I.</p>

<p>shot for 4.0 likely end up somewhere close but not precisely 4 itself</p>