Alumini Scholarships

<p>I got two emails for scholarships from UCLA and UCD. Since I need financial aid and could use the money, can we still apply and/or receive the scholarships even if we don’t get admitted to the school. The deadline is in February, so its obvious that I’m not going to wait to I find out if I’m in or not. And because I’m curious, did everyone get the email from the school that you apply and is this a sign?

<p>Yes you can apply now. No you will not receive anything unless you are admitted. Yes, everyone gets an e-mail. No, it is not a “sign.”</p>

<p>Thanks for the short, sweet, simple answer!</p>

<p>hey bluebayyou, I dont think everyone gets an email…I not all of my friends got the email from ucla or davis.</p>

<p>I got the Davis one. Not LA.</p>

<p>i also got the email from both ucd and ucla! according to admissions people from ucla, the people who get an email or a phone call tend to be applicants with high GPAs. for ucd, i’m not sure. it seems that the language used in the ucd email is way more vague than the ucla one. the ucd email makes it seem like anyone could apply.</p>

<p>sry baykid, I was responding to the OP. The alumni associations at each campus have historically e-mailed EVERY applicant to notify the applicant to apply for the alumni association scholarships. Of course, they may have shrunk their e-mail broadcast this year.</p>

<p>Students under consideration for Regents at UCLA and Cal do receive special invites which do not go out to the complete applicant pool.</p>