What do i bring

<p>to wear??</p>

<p>i dont live in wisconsin and i doubt my california clothes will suffice for the winter
i went to visit in late april and it was decent weather but i know it will be much colder
in the earlier months</p>

<p>so what do ppl typically wear in the winter is what im asking?</p>

<p>When you start in the fall bring just the basics and see what the natives are wearing, its probably cheaper to buy stuff in Madison. Good luck</p>

<p>Try searching the forum, this question comes up a lot. Your california clothes will be enough until october at the very least, and it would probably be better to buy winter clothes here, there will be people around to tell you what you need.</p>

<p>Normal winter days, I wear a winter coat and pants, but I stay warm easy. Plenty of people wear sweatshirts under their coats, and hats and gloves. The cold usually doesn’t just come out of nowhere, it gets colder gradually.</p>

<p>I am wondering the same thing. My son is coming from California too and he will need to buy some clothes as well. What kind of boots do guys wear for the snow and what kind of warm jackets? Right now all he has are light weight sweatshirts.</p>

<p>Son stopped wearing boots in middle school and ran outdoors in all sorts of weather. Definitely wait until fall to consider the Wisconsin winter wardrobe. Stores will have appropriate gear when the season approaches and no need to pay to transport it if bought here. Your California winter gear should suffice for early fall. People acclimate to temperature changes when they are gradual. A 20-30 degree abrupt change makes you feel hotter/colder- as has happened in WI this week.</p>