Am I eligible to transfer as an international student?

Hey guys, currently I am a student in a community college. I am considered as an international student because I attended High School out of the country even though I was born and raised in the US. I submitted my application to UC last month as a resident, but I was wondering if I could apply as an international student. My Aunt suggested that out-of-state/international applicants have a higher acceptance rate (even if it is slightly) because of the additional tuition fees. This may not affect a lot but I am willing to pay the extra costs for good education. It’s not because I am not confident with my current situation but if there is a higher chance of transfer than I am more than happy to take the opportunity. I will definitely notify UC offices if I can’t find an answer here, but I’m afraid it might give off a bad impression. Thank you for the help.

Out-of-state and international students do not have a higher acceptance rate. It’s quite the opposite. California Community College applicants have the highest transfer priority. Do not change your status.

Remember, it is the California taxpayers who subsidize these universities.