<p>So I was accepted off of the waitlist OOS two Fridays ago.</p>
<p>I originally given till this past Wednesday to decide whether I would attend, but after talking with the financial aid department I was given until Monday to decide after I had seen my financial aid package. </p>
<p>So, now that I have decided to go here and have withdrawn my enrollment from William and Mary, am I pretty much screwed on everything time related?</p>
<p>Literally all the orientation dates say they are full, and I'm pretty sure I'm behind on campus housing...</p>
<p>By the time I got my acceptance most stuff was already filled up and done by people who got in right off the bat.</p>
<p>Am I screwed?</p>
<p>I would call both the office tha deals with orietation and the housing office as soon as possible and explain your situation. I’m sure you will be able to get an orientation date and I would just double check with housing. They still haven’t assigned all incoming freshmen their housing for the upcoming year so I would call as soon as you possibly can</p>
<p>You will definitely get into a CTOPs orientation-- no worries! Just call and they can squeeze you in somewhere. I also wouldn’t worry about housing. To be honest, even if you did apply on time, most people didn’t get their first, second, or third choices. (They put me in a dorm that wasn’t even on my list!) It’s not like all the freshman who applied by the deadline got the Taj Mahal of housing and then everyone after the deadline got stuck in Ehringhaus. Most likely, you’ll be in one of the big freshman dorms (Craige, Ehringhaus, or Hojo) just like everyone else. </p>
<p>Congrats on your acceptance!</p>
<p>I’m with ArtemisDea. Congrats!!</p>
<p>You won’t be any more screwed than anyone else. As per my other recent post about what I learned at CTOPs…no one gets the dorms they want and no one gets the classes they want.</p>
<p>That is not completely true. I received all the classes I wanted except for one; you just have to keep an open mind. If you go into it with a poor attitude, then you are certain to have a rough go of it. And plenty of people get the dorm they want, it just depends on luck with the lottery number. (And I have never seen a completely dreadful dorm at UNC; some are better than others, but you will get that anywhere.)</p>
<p>My daughter was accepted from the waitlist 2 years ago and ended up in a great dorm and got into many of the classes that she wanted. Don’t despair----there are so many classes that you will need to cover to meet your grad requirements, you can find plenty to take.</p>
<p>CGB - don’t worry! You are JUST as much of a student at Carolina as anyone else. I know this wasn’t the topic of your post but never let the fact that you were originally waitlisted bring you down.</p>
<p>In the case if housing is filled up (I bet it won’t be) - then you can always do Granville. It is not my first choice in housing but I’d prefer it to much of south campus. Parts of it are very fratty, others aren’t.</p>
<p>One of the lessons I’ve learned in college is that it’s always a-okay to call an organization and just talk to them about whatever questions you think are obvious or weird. Someone else has wondered the same thing and people are friendly. I would call housing or admissions about any issue you might have, including how being accepted as a waitlister might effect you - though the only thing would be CTOPS and housing. No worries no worries no worries. :)</p>
<p>Welcome to Carolina!!! Glad we’ll see you around.</p>