Am I gonna get in? PTA Perhaps?

Hi, so I’m currently a senior in high school. I was looking for my chance of getting Blinn Team to the school. Additionally, I was curious how PTA worked for someone with 25 Dual Credit hours and a AP Psychology and AP Biology credit (3 on both). My high school stats are below:

  • Top 32.7%

  • 3.83 Weighted GPA

  • 1240 SAT (yes I know it’s a risky lowish score)

I have over 2,000 activity hours throughout my four years of high school, with a few officer positions. Four years of marching band! (and other activities as well) My essays were reviewed by friends from MIT and deemed unique (in a good way). I also put down some work experience and 16 volunteer hours. I clicked on a ton of the stuff on GoApplyTexas where I toured the college and met with an advisor and what not, basically the first four options on the interest question for the school I clicked. I’m an Asian American if that matters. In State. I went into Review September 26th for Mays.

First Question, how am I looking for a Blinn Team Mays acceptance and when would I hear back from them regarding that? (Am I gonna get in to the school, and what about Mays)

Second, if I get rejected. How does the PTA clause of 30 hours after you graduate going to work with my dual credit classes taken in high school?

Chances of Mays is slim with rank and score. Your ECs look really solid! I love that you are thinking about options.

In my eyes, your best option should you not get in at all (full or team), you should just go straight transfer. Move to Aggieland. Go to blinn for one semester and apply in January (2nd) for summer or fall admission to Mays. Since you have 24 grades dual credit, you just need a solid 12 hours at junior college to apply.

What is your dual credit GPA?

Oh and Mays doesn’t participate in PTA or PSA program.

If I would do PTA, it would be at my local community college. Also, I’m not so sure on a Mays transfer. They are EXTREMELY hard. I would have to start my own business or something. Do you really think I won’t get in for Blinn Team?

Your only option if not on team, is straight transfer. Mays doesn’t participate in pta or psa.

Team is very competitive but not out of the question. I can help you (if you don’t get in) with degree plan and setting yourself up for success and transfer into Mays after first year (applying after first semester).

What is your dual credit gpa?

I don’t know my DC GPA. Also, if I don’t get into Mays Blinn Team, I’m gonna do PTA Technology Management. I appreciate the help though, but if that transfer doesen’t happen then I lose my shot at A&M in whole versus with PTA Tech Management I at least get to be a guaranteed Aggie. I can do 15 hours in the summer and 15 in the fall, and go join my friends in the Spring :slight_smile:

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Please be sure the pta program works for summer fall. I’ve never heard of anyone doing that. I’ll try to look today too.

What are your dual credit grades. Let’s do it that way. A mix of A and b? Mainly A or mainly b? Any Cs? These grades will factor into your pta gpa as well.

I called to verify. PTA will not look at fall grades. Deadline is October and you must have all 30
Hours completed. Again, If you did straight transfer, you could take 12 hours in the summer and apply in the fall as a straight transfer for spring. Otherwise you’re out til fall sophomore year.

If your DC grades are good and you do well in the summer, you should be solid for straight transfer. Yes Mays doesn’t accept spring transfers but you could still do tech mgmt and then minor in business. Just a thought.

I appreciate you calling to verify! I have As and Bs, zero Cs for my DC. Wow okay so basically I would have to do 30 hours in Summer! Too bad community college only allows 15 at the most in summer. The problem with a transfer is it’s not guaranteed and I’ve seen on Reddit a ton of people with amazing backgrounds and grades get denied for spring transfer. If I blow my shot and get denied, I’m basically screwed for life to get in to my dream school. Too be honest, I don’t see why someone who applied early with a 33% Rank would not even be offered Blinn Team for SOMETHING, I can’t see them giving a kid with my stats and extra curriculars a PSA/PGA option. My best bet is to send in my recommendation letters and really reallllllllly try to up my SAT score.

*PTA not PGA

Could I Do PTA and attempt to transfer in for spring and if I get rejected I still have my backup PTA plan? (Meaning I only have to do spring and my fall/summer classes would still count to PTA?)

@HopefulAggie999 you will most likely get offered PSA. @ChristiR93 is the guru, knows her stuff, she’s been doing this quite awhile. A&M is quite competitive. You can’t apply for BlinnTEAM, it has to be offered, and there isn’t a criteria for who they offer it to. The last couple years, both Gateway and TEAM have been offered to very high achieving students, just shy of auto admit.
15 hours during summer would be tough, 30 would be pretty much impossible. 15 hours is a full semester course load, that you’d be attempting during 2 months. Summer school, even at community college, is fast paced, tons of reading, tests and quizzes daily or every other day.
Mays BlinnTEAM track requires a 3.8-4.0, with very specific Mays required classes taken. It isn’t easy or a given.
If you really, really want to be an Aggie, take a look at PSA program. Look at the PSA schools and majors offered. They don’t budge on major change, but there are some great majors offered. If you are offered PSA, do your year at PSA campus, fulfill the requirements, you’re in at TAMU College Station!

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Yes, If you do summer school and take 12 hours (2 classes in summer 1 and 2 in summer 2- 4 classes total) you can apply after completing that plus your dual credit to have 25 plus 12 graded credits and one “semester” post high school.

So you would apply end of August for Spring semester. Take a look at their transfer requirements for tech management (Mays is not available for spring).

If you get denied because they want to see more college time, then you can continue on with PTA and follow that path.

But just so we are clear, IF you don’t get into tamu til even your sophomore year, there’s still time. I know a student who did PSA but didn’t meet requirements. Came to blinn. Applied every semester for 4 semesters before he was accepted. He’s going to graduate late, but he’s still graduating from TAMU. It’s all about planning yyour degree out properly so that you don’t waste credits.

Send me your DC courses with grades and I’ll give you a better assessment on where you’ll stack up and what you’ll need during the summer to get that spring admission.

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I appreciate the responses. I have two things.
Scrolling through loads of websites that look at who has gotten into the university, every website like Niche and Naviance says I should get in with my class rank and SAT. I even spoke to an admissions counselor IN CSTAT and was told I “should be fine”. I personally know someone who got Team at 45% class rank with a 1330 SAT. It’s just so bizarre how some folks and sources say “you’re good” and some sources say “Expect PSA/PTA”. It truly is a flip of the coin here haha.
Second, I again want to say thank you for taking the time to assist me. For now, I want to wait on the whole “prepare and plan your transfer path” until I get a letter deciding my fate.
I think the worst thing is I have zero closure until January (or worse February ). I know some Blinn Team kids got their acceptance even early March! I seriously have to sit back and enjoy Senior year, you only get it once lol! :innocent:

Yes!!! Go enjoy senior year. You have done all
That you can!!! Please keep us posted.