Hey Everyone,
It’s MrThatcherite. I’m back… again lol.
I just needed some insight into a slight problem that I found myself to be a part of. You see, my sophomore year just started and with that means a whole new set of adventures and late-night shenanigans. Two weeks ago, my friends invited me to go out with them to the city to have fun and do what college students do best, which is to drink. I said sure and asked them how we were supposed to get there? They said they’ll just take my friend’s car… which is, to put it kindly, not the most reliable vehicle.
At first, I protested because I knew we weren’t going to fit and I didn’t want to get stranded at 1 in the morning because his car wouldn’t start. Of course, they all blew me off and told me to quit being a worrywart. I responded by suggesting we just take my car, it can seat all of us, comfortably and I know it won’t leave us stranded. Their response was, quoting them, “We don’t want to be seen being bougie and flashy in the city”. So after much arguing, I gave in and went along with their plan.
And unsurprisingly, the car ended up with a flat battery in the parking lot in the city and it couldn’t be jumped. I was already agitated by this and they were like ok we are going to have to take the bus back to campus. This is where I finally snapped and said this wouldn’t have been an issue if we just took my car instead of our friend’s car which is known to break down all the time.
Also unsurprisingly, everyone got mad at me and told me to be more considerate. I got more annoyed and just ended up calling my other friend who I knew was in the city to come and get me. They were still in the city by the time I got back to my room.
Fast forward to last week, another friend of ours suggested we go out to party again and this time I didn’t any chances and immediately hopped in my car that can seat everyone. Met at the campus center, same friends showed up with the same car that stranded us. Asked me if I was leaving my car parked there at the campus center and I said no I thought we were going to bring my car this time since his car left us stranded. Again, they said they didn’t want to so I said fine let’s just meet at the club.
I get there a bit early and waited for them. For a solid 30 minutes. Not a single person arrived or called me to tell me they’re running late. Only to find out they changed plans at the last minute and didn’t tell me. So I got mad and decided just to take an unplanned trip to another city a few hundred miles away. I got there and saw a few miss calls from my so-called friends, I called them and they asked if I could pick them up, their car died, again.
I told them no and said they should have thought of that before blowing me off and hung up.
Now fast forward to today, another friend of ours suggested a get-together and a chill BBQ, they said sure if I wasn’t invited. I replied invited or not, I’m not the one with the unreliable junker. Now my best friend is saying I acted petty and unreasonable.
I think they’re wrong and I’m the one being mistreated. Anyone else agrees with me?