AMA about Exeter + resources for accepted students

As much as I’ve researched, they grade on an eleven point scale.
You can find GPA distribution on their 2021 school profile

There is no grade distribution on their college profile

Though I can’t find an actual grade distribution, here’s some info from The Exonian, the Academy’s student newspaper:

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Thank you, @confusedaboutFA . Quite helpful! Seems like the average GPA is in B/B+ range, while most of the applicants are at the top of their classes in local schools. Also, it is rather stunning that some classes don’t give A or A- at all. I assume that colleges know about this grading system and make adjustments

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I was reading some of the information on Exeter and I read they have some internships at some great places. Is it common in Exeter or it is very unlikely to be able to do any of the internships?

Mom of a Lower (10th) son here - trust me from what we’ve seen of our son there is No real dress code. However he did have one teacher that was a stickler for dress code (boys had to wear collared shirt - polos, no T-shirt) and our son did get sent back to dorm to change bc he showed up in T-shirt one day. :laughing:

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Trying to figure out a way to do a revisit day traveling from the south. We have a way to fly in to Portsmouth, but all flights out are through Boston. Is it easy to get from Exeter to Boston airport by train? We would be on a tight schedule to fly out the same day as the revisit.
Also, is it easy to get from Portsmouth to the campus? Is there uber or Lyft in that area?

Hi, there is a train from Boston to Exeter which runs fairly frequently. There aren’t many flights into Portsmouth. We are flying to Boston and rented a car. It’s a exciting time but definitely stressful trying to figure out timing and transportation.

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We live in the south with kids at Exeter, and sometimes we are able to get them flights into Manchester instead of Boston. It’s a good bit closer to Exeter and it should be easy to rent a car from there.

I wouldn’t bother flying into Portsmouth if you’re connecting through Boston—that must be the shortest flight ever! As far as the train, my kids have frequently taken the train to and from Boston for other activities, but never to/from the airport since the school runs a shuttle—not sure how convenient it is, but I’m sure it’s possible. We’ve rented a car from there and it’s an easy drive unless it’s rush hour.

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I think Allegiant is the only airline that goes direct nonstop from our area to Portsmouth, the problem is that it only flies twice per week.

I will check out Manchester, thanks!

Is anyone here going to the “Multicultural Fly-In” this week at Exeter? My DD will be there and is nervous.

Not us, we are full FA and cannot afford the trip. We don’t meet the multicultural criteria, so we have marked Exeter off our list. Too many other great schools out there who have been more than welcoming.

What day is it? I’m going to the revisit day on April 4, but I haven’t received an email about any Multicultural Fly-In and I don’t remember hearing it in any of the online Exeter webinars I’ve attended

If you are playing a fall varsity sport as a freshman and need to come in a week early for the sport do you move into your dorm then or are you placed somewhere else and you move into the dorm on the same day as everyone else?

For pre season practice, you move into your own dorm.

Y’all, can anyone comment on the math-placement test? My daughter just did hers, and found some of the questions really hard. She had to leave two out of 20 question blank. Is that others’ experience, or… uh…


It’s normal. Don’t worry about it. Most kids start with 100 or 200s, but there are a few 400s or higher every year.

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Thanks for the feedback. She’s not really a math kid. She’s coming in as a lower. Couldn’t remember some of the stuff from last year (algebra) and kind of freaked out, thinking “whoa, is everyone else doing this easily?”

Even if you are placed too low or too high, you have at least a couple weeks to change after school starts. You can also move to another class after the fall term. This is true to other science classes as well.

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I have heard the Latin classes are very difficult at Exeter, is that true? My son wants to try Latin but is scared because he keeps hearing it is the hardest language at Exeter.