AMA about Exeter + resources for accepted students

I guess it varies from person to person. If one really likes it and spends time on it, it won’t be a problem.

The classics department is a special place. Very well funded and respected. Free month long summer projects in Italy and Greece, etc. graduates wearing laurel wreath leading all others at graduation ceremony…it’s definitely worth the time and effort.


Hey, SkyHigh1203: We’ve been waiting for the dorm assignment for my daughter, and incoming lower at PEA, and this morning it popped up. It says: “Dormitory: New Hall.” What is “New Hall”? I don’t see it mentioned anywhere. Could this be the new dorm on Front Street? thank you!

Hi! That does sound like Front Street Common. It’s interesting that it’s labeled in that way there. Congratulations to your daughter for getting assigned the newly built dorm! :slight_smile:

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I heard from the dorm head, and, yes, it’s called “New Hall” — and the building isn’t 100 percent complete yet. No elevator. Moving in on Sunday. Thanks for your help!!

I got $900 financial aid through PEA bookstore . what if I didn’t use all of my financial aid at the end of semester? Is it “use it or loose it”?