<p>So how did everyone do on today's AMC contest?</p>
<p>DataBox - Please refrain from asking this question.</p>
<p>From AoPS: "The AMC 10A/12A contests are on Tuesday, February 10. Do not discuss any aspect of the contest (including but not limited to your score, whether you thought it was easy or hard, or anything at all about the problems) on the forum, the wiki, the blogs, or anywhere else on the site until further notice. "</p>
<p>Oh sorry I missed that…so we shouldn’t discuss it until the Math Jam then?</p>
<p>Yes. Or when the AMC posts the answer.</p>
<p>Alrite. We can officially discuss AMC scores now =)</p>
<p>So post your scores in the following manner:</p>
<p>Score-Grade-Test-Previous Best</p>
<p>I’ll start:</p>
<p>Im not going to dignify this self-serving question with a proper response</p>
<p>101.5-11-amc12a-87.5(on the 10a)</p>
<p>Could you guys help me in regards to the aime? I know I won’t make usamo but I still want to do well on the aime (like 6ish but I’d take more). What book should I study? Is aops volume 2 necessary for my goals or is one sufficient? I know I have an ambitious goal but I think if I study before( instead of taking 2 practice tests) I can improve greatly.</p>
It’s not a self serving question, there are enough people who did better on this board and the amc 10 this year was relatively trivial, you might as well not have dignified the thread with your response…</p>
<p>I recommend a combination of past AIMEs and AoPS 2 to ensure that you get a score of around 6.</p>
<p>DataBox - Great scores!</p>
<p>Thanks databox.</p>
<p>Wow, a perfect score. Congratulations.</p>
<p>126 - 11 - AMC12A - 121.5 (I think)</p>
<p>I’m going to study for AIME this time. I mean it.</p>
<p>What do the numbers mean? I know it’s like x - grade - test - score</p>
<p>What’s the first number though?</p>
<p>Anyway I got 103.5 on 12A lol Dx I suck (Grade 11)</p>
<p>lol dude it’s not “x - grade - test - score”</p>
<p>It’s “Score-Grade-Test-Previous Best”</p>
<p>Thanks guys =) </p>
<p>No problem dude</p>
<p>136.5 11th 12A (previous, 97.5 10th, 132 9th)</p>
<p>91.5 - Junior - AMC12A - First time taking it.</p>
<p>135 - Senior - AMC 12A - 140-something. Don’t remember. </p>
<p>I’m kinda glad I never have to take it again. Woooooo Putnam!</p>
<p>Agreed. I’d also recommend The Art and Craft of Problem Solving by Paul Zeitz for a slightly different perspective and a couple techniques that aren’t covered in AoPS.</p>
<p>I definitely agree, and would like to suggest the following order of books:</p>
<li>AoPS 1/ First Steps for Math Olympians</li>
<li>AoPS 2</li>
<li>Art and Craft of Problem Solving</li>
<li>How to Read and Do Proofs</li>
<li>Problem Solving Strategies</li>
<li>Mathematical Olympiad Treasures/ Challenges/ Easy as Pi?</li>
<p>For a 6+ on the AIME, really knowing most of AoPS v1 and v2 and doing old AIMEs is plenty sufficient.</p>