<p>To cupcake:</p>
<p>No, that wasn’t negative, merely realistic, so thank you! Here are my responses:</p>
<p>1) Yes, I did know that, which is why I’m doing research while I’m still in high school and have a couple of years until I apply to college :p</p>
<p>2) Yes, I’ve seen some of the numbers. This partially makes me want it even more, because I love a challenge, but I will also be applying to universities in the US of course. However, my confidence is in part because my credentials are fairly strong for someone in my grade. I realize I’ll have to work a lot harder, yes, especially considering I’ll need a minimum 2100 SAT to even be considered at Oxbridge, etc, but I feel as if I continue to work hard I’ll stand a fighting chance.</p>
<p>3) I don’t plan on coming back to the US. My plan is to go and stay. :] </p>
<p>Also, my great-uncle has been working on getting my family and I our Italian citizenship (I was born in Brazil, but through my father’s side he is only, I believe, second or third generation Brazilian? Now the decision depends on what the Italian consulate says). So, possibly being a citizen of an EU country might help? This is a long shot, though, so I’m not relying on it.</p>
<p>4) Yeah, I don’t plan on going back to the US, anyways
I want to go to the UK mainly for the more compact program and for the sake of experiencing the culture.</p>
<p>5) This was great info, thanks!</p>
<p>6) This is the scariest part. I found it astounding how cheap an Oxbridge education is for an UK resident, though. (random fact). However, my mother has been trying to reassure me that there is still a chance for a scholarship…</p>
<p>-sigh- and if all else fails, there are the (definitely not bad) American unis :]</p>