american pageant check in!

<p>"vocab terms, except you're required to write a paragraph for each. they don't help us in the least bit, yet she expects us to do them and grades them."</p>

<p>You should be thankful you have that. It's busywork, and it ensures you'll get a good grade if you do all of those even if you get a bad test grade. The only thing that's graded in my class are DBQ's and MC tests. So, basically, everything is determined by those two grades.</p>

<p>I guess it's a good add-on grade, but it's only like 10% of our final average (homework grade). The only other grade we get are the MC tests, and those are complete beasts. Most people in my class have C's.</p>

<p>spiffy we do that too except our ID's are not due every nite</p>

<p>kelper are you from Jersey cause your username and your class's style of learning is the same as mine. are you from CRESSKILL, NJ?</p>

<p>yea we use American Pageant 11th edition 2</p>

<p>Our class has so much homework in that class. 150 points every week. 125 points of it is homework. The other 25 points is a quiz. The week breaks down like this:</p>

<p>Monday: Lecture on writing.
Tuesday: Lecture from textbook.
Wedneday: Lecture from textbook.
Thursday: Lecture from textbook.
Friday: Quiz and read review book. Turn in homework and DBQ or FRQ essay. Peer grade DBQ or FRQ.</p>

<p>Tests are about every 6 or so weeks.</p>

<p>Oh, and now we're on WW2.</p>

<p>does anyone use the guidebook that goes with the textbook?</p>