An Exceptional Experience

<p>Our trip to Dallas this weekend was memorable beyond expectation. </p>

<p>First, there were the people. My son and I met and hung out with asaunmom’s family, wonderful, down-to-earth folks. The people of Dallas were wonderful too. Every single encounter we had with folks in the service industry, from restaurants to a car dealership to Cowboys Stadium, was gracious, friendly, and efficient. And then there were the 'Bama fans, this huge band of strangers bonded by a singular experience. Nearly everyone seems to commune with one another as cousins, if only with a nod and tip of the bill of a cap from a restaurant table across the way. And then, of course, there are the ubiquitous Roll Tides, the coolest all-purpose phrase ever. :)</p>

<p>Cowboys Stadium is beyond belief, a magnificent structure with fabulous sight lines from even the (not so) cheap seats. The gargantuan video screens have better resolution than my big HD TV at home and guarantee a perfect live football viewing experience. And the multimedia show they integrate into the event (music, video, etc.) is superbly done, enhancing, rather than distracting from, the experience. 5 stars all around.</p>

<p>As for the game . . . well y’all saw the weasel extermination for yourselves. The Tide looked awesome! We were seated in the Michigan section but surrounded by a hearty band of 'Bama faithful. It was soooo satisfying to be exchanging high fives over the slumped heads of Michigan fans.</p>

<p>And let me conclude by saying the football team wasn’t the only dominant force on the field. The Million Dollar Band was phenomenal and outclassed the maize and blue bunch in every respect.</p>

<p>Roll Tide, everyone. It’s a privilege to be part of the UA family and experience.</p>

<p>LOVE IT!!! Roll Tide, Roll.</p>

<p>Thanks for that excellent update, malanai! Glad you had such a great experience! I’ve been trying to see if someone posted a video of the halftime show, but haven’t found one yet. It obviously was not televised and I would love to see it if anyone finds a link to video.</p>

<p>I still think that Cowboy fans are freaked out by so many crimson clad fans in their stadium!! </p>

<p>(Big Redskins/Cowboys rivalry for those of you that do not see the connection!)</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>Nice post – thanks for the update – looked great from my Elmore County Alabama living room, wish I could have been in Big D with you. </p>


<p>So glad you had a great experience here in Big D! It’s been fun to see so many Alabama fans around town.</p>

<p>I think some Bama fans and students have decided to enjoy and extra day in the Bid D. DD and her sorority sisters have met some nice SAE’s from SMU…since they are ADPi’s and SAE’s have a lion in front of their house lots of cute pics have been coming our way! Thanks so much for all the Texas hospitality. They have also left some $$$$ at Mahjong and Highland Park.</p>

<p>Great post!</p>

<p>Glad to hear that your trip went so well!</p>

<p>For those of you (like me) who can’t get enough of a good thing, here’s a link to video highlights of last night’s game: [VIDEO:</a> Michigan Vs. Alabama Highlights Are Really Just Of The Crimson Tide -](<a href=“VIDEO: Michigan Vs. Alabama Highlights Are Really Just Of The Crimson Tide -”>VIDEO: Michigan Vs. Alabama Highlights Are Really Just Of The Crimson Tide -</p>

<p>Thanks for the great post. My son who traveled with the band, sent a photo via his phone of the inside of the stadium before all the fun began. He comment was ‘wow’. We are looking forward to hearing from him when he arrives back in T-Town. I know the MDB works really hard to prepare for a great show. There is no slacking with that group. Glad you had a great time.</p>


<p>Malanai: Wow, thanks for the posts and updates. I ENJOYED that game, I was wishing for a sighting of the band at halftime and I got my wish, too brief but fun nevertheless.</p>

<p>Glad y’all had fun!!!</p>

<p>OK, you’ve got to love this. I’m sitting on the plane in Dallas as the plane heading home is boarding. A Michigan fan wearing his maize and blue regalia caught a glimpse of my Alabama wind breaker as he was waking past my seat, stopped, smiled, shrugged his shoulders, and said, “Roll Tide.” :)</p>

<p>Yep, love it!! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Love it!! thanks for sharing your story with us :)</p>

<p>Almost home…layover in Memphis. Time for a little catch up. Dallas was awesome; family, friends, food, football, all around FANTASTIC!
If you ever have a chance to enjoy a great meal, head to Bob’s Steak and Chop House. DELISH!
If you want to drop some serious cash, head to Allen Premium Outlets (easily done with a teenage daughter).
If you find yourself in Plano, TX, stop by Campisi’s for yummy italian delights.
If you are lucky enough to meet with some CCers, do it; malanai and son ROCK!
If you find yourself at DFW, stay at the Grand Hyatt…so cool. It was so nice to get up and walk 15 minutes to our gate.
If you have an opportunity to attend a BAMA game, by golly GO! Away or Home, the fans are intense, friendly, always ready to chit chat about this or that and super delightful!</p>

<p>Time to board our final leg. Until next time…</p>

<p>ROLL TIDE!!</p>

<p>WOW, Malanai and asaunmom!!</p>

<p>My son says he and his buds are convinced Nick Saban is the greatest college football coach of all time.</p>

<p>A fellow BAMA mom sent this my way recently…
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Great picture and caption!</p>

<p>My D is a freshman in the MDB. Can’t tell you how excited she was to be able to march in Dallas Cowboy Stadium for her first college game! The videos of the preface and halftime shows are now on YouTube, and I’ve put the links below. Hubby and I will be there next Saturday to see and hear them in person. </p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - Broadcast Yourself.](<a href=“YouTube”>YouTube)</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - Halftime (HD) - Cowboy Classic - 9/1/2012](<a href=“Halftime (HD) - Cowboy Classic - 9/1/2012 - YouTube”>Halftime (HD) - Cowboy Classic - 9/1/2012 - YouTube)</p>

<p>Thank you so much for posting these links. I talked to my son today and he also said it was a great experience. Wishing your daughter well this football season. The MDB has been a bright spot in my son’s short time at UA. Lots of work but the rewards are many. </p>
