Just attended another great UA event

<p>My incoming freshman son, his younger brother, and I had a wonderful time at the DC Bama Bound BBQ earlier today, where we got a full dose of Roll Tide spirit and lots of good food. This event was hosted by the DC Chapter of the UA National Alumni Association at a park in Arlington, VA. The highlight was meeting the UA Women’s Softball Coach, Patrick Murphy, who gave an unbelievable talk that mixed humor, sports, and the accumulated lessons of what it takes to be successful at UA and in life generally. It is impossible for me to convey adequately the intelligence, humility, and vision that Coach Murphy immersed us in, but suffice it to say that our family went from knowing almost nothing about UA softball to being raving fans! Sabrina Keating, the President of the UA National Alumni Association, was there, as well as other national and local alumni leaders, and we also met in person our outstanding Mid-Atlantic regional recruiter, Michelle Zumpano. All in all, it was a fantastic day to be part of the UA family, and we are now counting down the days until our son’s August 11 move-in (he is attending Outdoor Action). Congrats to all who have made the decision to attend the University of Alabama; as someone who is an Examiner with the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, and who had no prior connection with the university or the State of Alabama, I can state with some authority that this is truly an extraordinary organization in every aspect. Honestly, the care for students (and their families) and the quality and efficiency of its business processes is rare and commendable. Well done, UA. Roll Tide.</p>

<p>Sounds like a great time!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>I am sorry we had to miss it. Somehow I had it as being today and we had other plans. Did you meet any other “board members”?</p>

<p>We also met Steve Davis and the DC chapter leaders. Everyone was super friendly and emphasized the importance and value of the UA network. Coach Murphy began his talk by giving everyone his cell phone number and said to call him for help with ANYTHING at anytime.</p>

<p>My son, wife and I were at the BBQ as well. Coach Murphy’s talk was truly inspiring–I could tell my son was practically hanging on every word. After we left the BBQ, I texted Coach to let him know how much his words of wisdom resonated with us. I was not surprised whatsoever when Mr. Murphy responded with a text 30 seconds later, thanking us for attending the event and inviting us to see him and the softball team during Parent’s Weekend. </p>

<p>We could not be more proud to be joining the UA family.</p>


<p>I wish there was something like that in the Northeast. Sounds like fun.</p>

<p>There was one in Chicago last weekend. Didn’t know about it until today.</p>

<p>We also attended the one they had in Nashville last Sunday. Lots of great food and really nice people. We enjoyed it! Glad to hear you had a great time. The wife, daughter and I are just overwhelmed that they go that extra mile. :)</p>

<p>Does anyone know if there is an event like this near Philadelphia?</p>