Can anyone explain simply what to do for these points on the DBQ and LEQ? Thanks!

DBQ - 7 pts
1 pt — thesis
You need to correctly respond to the prompt. It needs to be in the introduction and/or the conclusion. Preferably the introduction so that the reader knows the direction the essay will take. It needs to be clear enough so that the reader can identify it.
1 pt — contextualization
You need to explain the other things that are happening within the given time frame of the prompt. For example, the Star Wars opening. It explains what’s been happening at the time of the movie, puts things into context.
3 pts — evidence
You need to cite the given documents and correctly describe them to support your thesis. This means mentioning historical context, audience, purpose, or point of view. You get 1 point for correctly using 3 documents, 2 points for correctly using 6 documents.
You get 1 point for using outside evidence. This means evidence that isn’t found within the documents but is still relevant to your thesis.
2 pts — analysis and reasoning
You get a point for explaining how the documents connect to your thesis. You always have to tie your evidence back to your thesis. Explain why the historical context, audience, purpose, or point of view proves your thesis.
You also get another point for complexity. This can be easily done by introducing a counter argument and disproving it. Include multiple variables of the argument into your essay. For example, if the prompt wants you to compare two things, you also contrast. If it asks for continuities, mention changes as well.

LEQ - 6 pts
1 pt — thesis
Same as DBQ.
1 pt — contextualization
Same as DBQ.
2 pts — evidence
You get a point for mentioning specific evidence. It can’t be vague and generalized. You have to show that you know the topic really well.
You get another point for the evidence being clearly related to your argument.
2 pts — analysis and reasoning
You get a point for the explaining the evidence and connecting it to your thesis, like the DBQ.
You get another point for the complexity of your argument. Same as the DBQ.

The formatting of both is really similar. The only difference is that the DBQ includes documents. Hope this makes sense!