Analytical Writing Placement Exam

<p>The UC website states I can meet the UC entry level writing requirement by receiving, “a C or better grade in a transferable college-level course in English composition.” What is a transferable college-level course in English composition? I am currently taking AP English Language and Composition and got an A in the class last semester. Does this class count?</p>

<p>I hope so. I just made a post about this in the UCSB thread. If that is the case, I wouldn't have to worry, but if the A has to be from an actual College like a UC, I will just take the one at the beginning of school year. It's weird that they didn't mention anything about it to me yet. I just found out from a friend that it is required for anyone who got less than a 680 in the Writing section on the SAT.</p>

<p>Taken from the UCOP site:
* 30 or better on the ACT Combined English/Writing test; or
* 680 or better on the College Board SAT-II Writing Test; or
* 680 or better on the College Board SAT Reasoning Test, Writing section; or
* 3, 4 or 5 on either Advanced Placement (AP) Examination in English; or
* 5 or above on an International Baccalaureate High Level English A exam
* 6 or above on an International Baccalaureate Standard Level English A exam</p>

<p>Taking AP Lit and getting an A does not count as a college course. You can take a class at your local community college to exempt yourself from taking workload englsh.</p>

<p>You have one chance if you decide to take the AWPE exam. If you take it in May, you cannot take it again at the UC. If you opt to take it at the UC, you cannot take it in May. It's not hard at all. Just remember the one key word in the exam: Analytical. =P</p>

<p>Pass the test or get meet the pre reqs for the entry level writing requirement. You don't want to be taking three writing classes, it's bad enough that you have to take two.</p>

<p>What is a UC transferable English composition course?</p>

<p>Check Welcome</a> to ASSIST if the course is taken at a California Community College (CCC).</p>

<p>*Choose the CCC.
*Click UC-transferable courses.
*Select the course area.
*Look for UC-E next to the course. UC-E indicates that it is an english composition course.</p>

<p>I got a 3 on the AP Eng Comp exam, does that exempt me from the UC writing test?</p>


<p>If I currently do not meet any of the requirements (IE SAT score), but I am taking the AP Lang. and Lit tests, wouldn't it make more sense for me to take it at the UC school later on in the event I possibly pass the AP tests? Thanks.</p>

<p>The AP results don't post to the UCs until after mid-July. They are strongly suggesting that even if you are taking the APs in May, that you take AWPE since the next date for taking that test is September - meaning you will probably have to begin the classes before knowing if you are exempt. if either comes back a 'thumbs up' before the beginning of instruction, you can drop the unneeded class and sign up for something you really need.</p>