<p>Hey guys. I've been really worried about college admissions lately and will be started on the common app as soon as possible. My dream school is the University of Michigan but I've been worried mainly about my act score. I had intentions of applying to ivy, but now that I look at it, I don't think I would stand a chance.</p>
<p>Everything you need to know:</p>
<p>3.75 UW GPA, 3.9 W
27 ACT (28 English, 31 math, 24 reading, 25 science)
3 AP classes - APUSH (scored a 4) AP Chem (3), AP Lang (3)
2 dual enrollment classes at a local community college.
I have an A in APUSH and AP Lang, B in AP chem.</p>
<p>My grades in freshman year werent great (3.1 and 3.6), I retook some classes to boost the 3.1 to a 3.5 though.Throughout sophomore year I got straight As. Junior year I got mostly As, one B, one C(it was a dual enrollment class at the local community college, I missed the final. I had a 97% in the class prior to the exam). </p>
<p>I have a handful of ECs :
President of the Art Club
Editor for the annual literary magazine
Chem club
Diversity committee</p>
<p>I've also been a part of a year long leadership program that promotes diversity.</p>
<p>I have over 180 hours of community service with a local nonprofit organization; helped raise the minimum wage, attended many fundraisers, helped renovate parks and other things along the line.</p>
<p>For what it's worth, I'm a Michigan resident.
So what do you guys think my chances would be for Umich? Also, what other schools should I consider applying to? Do I really not stand a chance at all for ivies?</p>
<p>If you’re a minority you definitely have a chance, if not, I’m not too sure. Your ACT is below the average, so it might be a low reach school, but still within grasp. </p>
<p>I’d apply to MSU since you’re instate; it’s still a good school.</p>
<p>And sadly probably no chance for the ivies
I don’t either, it’s so hard lol</p>
<p>Also, forgot to mention, I am a self taught guitarist, pianist and artist. My senior load:
AP Lit, AP Calc, AP art, 2 dual enrollment classes per semester</p>
<p>I’m Arab American. I’m honestly not sure if that is considered underrepresented or not. I know that I am a minority though. Thanks for the link!</p>
<p>i think you have a good chance at umich since you’re instate but definitely apply to msu.
according to the super match tool, you are good match for </p>
<p>Loyola Chicago
UT Dallas
Baylor </p>
<p>You are not too far off as an in state applicant for UMich. You may give it a try anyway. Your chance at MSU is great too. If you really want to get into UMich at Ann Arbor, you may try to boost your score a little bit. Another way would be applying to other UMich campus and transfer to Ann Arbor campus after freshmen year. Indeed, if you apply to UM Dearborn, you may waive the application fee at UMich AA so you can apply to both at the same time (actually sequentially to be qualified for free application).</p>
<p>I would do that, but I really don’t want to go to Umich Dearborn. Its literally a 5 minute drive and I’d prefer to be farther away for college. Does the fact that not many people in my class(roughly 500) scored higher than me help? Around 7 people scored higher than me, the highest being a 30(only one or two people got it, the rest were 28/29). Either way, I will probably retake it. I will be applying EA for sure. I’ve started on my essays already.</p>