<p>Hi everyone, </p>
<p>I am a current sophomore at an independent day school in Virginia right outside of D.C.
I am getting A's but not without a lot of time and effort. My school is academically challenging but they do not rank their students. </p>
<p>By the end of this year I will have finished my language requirements for graduation. Our school requires Latin in Middle School which counts as a credit. I was planning to take another year of Latin (Vergil) as a Junior only because I thought it would look good to stick with the subject. My problem is, right now I am only signed up for one AP class my Junior Year, AP English. My school offers plenty of AP courses but I have ADD and can't handle the workload and stress of another AP class without dropping another class. I was also asked to co-edit our school's Literary publication next year, it will be time consuming but I am very excited about it.</p>
<p>My question for all of you is, will I be better off dropping the Latin-Vergil and bumping up to AP History instead of regular History? I know the weighted AP grade would help my GPA but will dropping Latin after sophomore year look bad? I don't have a particularly deep passion for either Latin or History.</p>
<p>Right now my schedule is: </p>
<p>AP English
U.S. History
<p>So, again, keep the above schedule? or bump up to AP History and drop Latin?
Thoughts? Advice? Help?
Thank you!</p>
<p>Well to be honest, APUSH in my school isn’t much harder than regular. Since you say you have trouble focusing and need to choose one, it all comes down to what you will enjoy more. Latin Vergil is absolutely interesting, and colleges want to see 3 or 4 years of a language not just meeting graduation requirements. I would take the Latin, but it’s up to you. If you need the GPA boost, an AP class looks good too. I would say drop Art (unless you’re an art major) and take APUSH and Latin.</p>
<p>Take Virgil! I’m in it right now and it’s been an awesome experience. There is nothing like translating one of the greatest pieces of literature:)</p>
<p>Thank you so much for the advice Metrical and Protosig!!! </p>
<p>AP U.S. History at my school is supposed to be one of the most demanding courses. This is why I am so reluctant to take it along with Latin-Vergil and AP English. Latin translations are very time consuming for me. </p>
<p>I am not planning to major in art. I seem to have a knack for it. The art courses at my school are considered to be at college level. Unfortunately we don’t get any kind of honors or AP credit for art classes. Since art class is usually seen as a “party class” at so many schools, I am worried that my commitment to art will not pay off when it comes to my college applications.
Do colleges even care about art class if you are not an art major?</p>
<p>Any other thoughts? advice?</p>
<p>Full Latin progression is something considered very good for college admissions. I remember, as a freshman, my Latin teacher showed us a quote from the head of Notre Dame admissions saying that four years of Latin was the best thing he could see on an application. And it worked.</p>