<p>someone FINALLY told me the difference. i asked on livejournal, but figured i should post the response here, since i know several others have been wondering too:</p>
<p>iirc college welcome day is for all students while aap is geared towards aap students. (well, duh.) But I assume at aap day you meet other aap scholars and learn what benefits you get from being in that particular program. From what I know about AAP, I guess it's also probably more directed towards lower income and minority students, so it might have a stronger focus on campus resources, retention and financial aid than a generic college welcome day tour.</p>
<p>AAP gets a list from the registrar that tells us who is apart of our target population. The registrar saw something on someones application that made them feel they would need our services. Everyone is eligible to apply to AAP regardless of whether they are low income, or have certain circumstances, but if you do not attend the Freshman or Transfer summer program, you would have to apply for the program directly. Scholars day is where we give that information about our summer programs, eligibility and what we offer to students in general throughout the year. </p>
<p>We used to offer a Freshman scholars day that was separate from Welcome day but due to the budget we integrated the Freshman Scholars day into workshop presentations for “Welcome Day” aka Bruin Day. We have a separate Transfer Scholars day in May for transfer students.</p>
<p>“Welcome day” offers workshops and information regarding different organizations on campus and campus services as a whole. Transfer scholars day only gives information about our Academic Advance Program (AAP) and the summer program.</p>
<p>I suggest calling the New Student Programs office for any questions or concerns. (310) 206-1571</p>