Anxiety over transcript

I was admitted into the exploratory studies program for the upcoming fall. I applied via the common app and entered in my courses and grades manually. However when I entered them I didn’t enter a few of the classes I took freshman year because I ended up retaking them later on in high school and there was no option to state that the class was retaken. I assumed that Purdue would see them on my transcript which I had sent in with my application. Now I am worried because I am interpreting from what I’ve seen that Purdue waits until you’re enrolled to verify that the courses and grades youve entered are correct and match up with my transcript. So here is my concern, if Purdue sees on my transcript that I retook classes that they weren’t aware of they will rescind me. However I did have my counselor send in my mid year transcript so I’m sure that they looked at that. If someone can tell me how that process works and or give me peace of mind that’d be awesome. I am just extremely worried that if it is the first time they’re reviewing my transcript there will be some red flags as far as retaken courses :confused:

People make mistakes all the time when submitting applications, that’s why they ask for the official records to be sent. Retaking a class I wouldn’t think would be a big issue since they would be looking at did you meet the minimum requirements for the classes to take and number of years and what was the overall GPA. You could always contact admissions and tell them that you think you might have made a mistake and tell them what happened.

dcolosi is correct. Schools are not very cut and dry about your details. Your GPA is what matters mostly.