<p>I really enjoyed learning the language in AP Spanish Lang., but now I want to continue onto the next level. However, at my school, this would entail self-studying AP Spanish Lit.</p>
<p>I have the books for the required readings, but I was wondering if there were any tips somebody could give me :)</p>
<p>I am very enthusiastic and will be disciplined for this self-study. If it's any gauge of my foundation, I got a 5 on the Spanish Language exam [non-native speaker+"year ahead" in Spanish].</p>
<p>If anyone else is taking the Spanish Lit exam and would like a study buddy, I'm happy to help with that too :D</p>
<p>Cheers! And thanks in advance for the help. ^_^</p>
<p>I will help I am starting to self study too: i got a 5 on the spanish language)</p>
<p>I’m self-studying it.
Do you know if there is any review book for this? Idk how I’m going to remember all of these works. :/</p>
<p>I got a 5 last year on the AP Spanish Lang exam (I’m a native speaker) and decided that now I’m a junior and I want to continue on the next step I should take AP Spanish Lit. My teacher gave me a textbook and a great syllabus but this stuff is hard :/. I know I’m not going to give up but as I speculate on, idk how I’m going to make a 5…
And it’s harder because I haven’t taken English Lit yet (only available to seniors).</p>
<p>Bleh good luck guys… this is probably one of the hardest AP exams you could ever self study for. And Curtis if you’re still reading this thread, please tell me of a good self-study book if you find one! :p</p>
Yay! Me too :)</p>
I’m using “Abriendo Puertas” which is a two part book series (pretty cheap and they have all the required readings).</p>
<p>I’ve heard of Azulejo and…antologias which would probably do the same thing by providing the req. readings.</p>
<p>the princeton review “cracking the AP Spanish exam 2011” contains both AP Lang. and AP Lit. so far this is the only review book I’ve found with any Spanish Lit. in it.</p>
<p>~Bump thread~
I’m also self-studying this class after scoring an easy 5 on AP spanish lang, but I’m scared!</p>
<p>Does anyone know of any literature textbooks, instead of just anthologies, that will teach you different devices, themes, and so forth? Anyone with Abriendo Puertas (I’m using a different anthology called Momentos Cumbres), do they teach you that in there?</p>