Any business major??

<p>how strong is purdue's economic program????
I am still deciding weather i shoudl take economic or management</p>

<p>i'd imagine that the economics program is probably not too shabby. i think krannert is ranked somewhere in the top 20 business schools in america. as to whether you should major in economics vs. management. i'd say economics is probably a more difficult major than management. of course intro to economics (econ 251) is a pretty easy class, but intermediate and advanced econ can get rather difficult. management is probably less theory oriented and has more to do with hands-on than economics which has more to do with analysis...econ majors (i can't say for purdue but for some ot her schools) can be taken in two different directions, one more 'real world' based and the other more theory based. the latter involves quite a bit of math (as much as engineering&math majors in many cases) than the former. so it really depends.</p>