Any CBH semi-finalists announced?

<p>My S heard from UFE and is scheduled for a phone interview. We’re thrilled. He also applied for the CBH program and we haven’t heard anything on that front yet? Has anyone else heard anything. Thanks.</p>

<p>Congratulations to your son! What a great opportunity!!
We’ve not heard a thing from CBHP, but anxiously waiting…</p>

<p>Congratulations! What a nice way to start the college career. As for CBHP, last time I checked the website, it said said semi finalists will be contacted first week in February. Good luck!</p>

<p>My son is also anxiously awaiting the CBH announcement. That will decide if Bama is in the picture or not. With the fantastic scholarships UA offers, I’m praying he gets in. The director was just wonderful to us last year during our visit.</p>



<p>Every year there’s at least one post to this effect - that Alabama will be off the list if the student isn’t invited to join CBH - and I’m sure there are others who don’t post on CC who are of the same mind. Now, I have no idea what other options those kids have, or what their ultimate goals are, but I think it’s kind of short sighted. Alabama is so much more than any one program. As prestigious and wonderful as CBH is, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. My D is in CBH, and if you asked her what her best experience has been at Alabama, I don’t think she’d say CBH, even though she really enjoys the program and gets a lot out of it. You should also know that my D wasn’t invited to finalist weekend. She was ultimately accepted to the program from the reserve pool in May, while she was at Bama Bound. CBH was never a huge part of her decision, but if it had been and she’d walked away when she didn’t get that CBH finalist weekend invite, not only would she have missed out on the entire Bama experience (which she loves), but she would have misssed out on CBH as well. Just something to think about . . . .</p>

<p>I agree with Beth’s Mom. My son is in his 2nd year in CBHP and was pulled from the R pool during Bama Bound. He applied late to the program and thought he would have little chance of getting in. He loves both UA and CBHP but thankful that he did not let CBH be the deciding factor.</p>

<p>Decisions come out the first week of Feburary, I believe. I’m anxiously waiting as well. Although it’s probably a long shot, it seems like a great opportunity. What exactly are they looking for in applicants?</p>

<p>I agree with Beth’s mom and Savanna.</p>

<p>I had the same thoughts when I read 18yrcollegemin’s post. Every year someone posts something like that and it’s kind of sad. The “good” about Alabama isn’t just that program. </p>

<p>I have one son (S1) who was in CBH and one (S2) who didn’t get selected (which seemed odd to us since that son was actually the better fit for CBH). Both of my kids would say that they loved their 4 years at Bama. Both had wonderful experiences.</p>

<p>Did not being in CBH hurt S2? Well, he’s in med school now. You tell me.</p>

<p>Thank you for perspective!

<p>It’s a fact, not everyone who attends CBH finalist weekend will be Bama bound next Fall. These students will also have competitive offers from other schools and some will chose to go elsewhere for various reasons. Last year a number were pulled from the reserve pool, possibly b/c the change in NMF offers. So if you do not attend, take heart. Make sure that you let them know that you are interested in being considered if there are openings available! I’ve heard of instances where students were accepted very late to CBH.</p>

<p>Secondly, if you are interested in doing research, you should certainly consider Emerging Scholars. It does not have the programming requirements but you still do research with a professor and present your findings. There are several posts on CC of projects students have done in the past and their experience with the program. It would also be a good option for those who are planning to double major or do something like STEM MBA programs b/c it doesn’t have as much required coursework as CBH.</p>

<p>There are also students who don’t participate in any formal program but find their own opportunities by speaking to a professor or being interested in a specific research project.</p>

<p>Sorry if my post offended anyone. That was not the intention at all. I realize Bama has much to offer, but honestly, our visit last year was solely because of the NMF scholarships. It was one of the first schools we visited and if he had been told that day that he was in the CBHP, our search would have ended then. My husband and I both graduated from huge rival colleges and I have spent my entire adulthood hating Bama with the intensity that fierce college rivalries bring. It was difficult to even step foot on the campus, but we wanted to see what it had to offer. I must say I was truly surprised and impressed. </p>

<p>The doubts crept in as the process went on. We eventually visited about 25 schools, all over the country. Many more prestigious, many less prestigious but actually having programs specializing in the area he wants to study. My husband never visited, but I have been trying to get him to make the trip. He is concerned about job prospects when the school is not particularly highly ranked in the field, does not have an extensive coop program like some of the schools we’ve seen, and the area where the school is located does not have a thriving industry (son wants to go into computer science/engineering with a preference for game design). My husband and I are both engineers and we live in an area that has little technical opportunities, so we know how difficult job opportunities are to come by.</p>

<p>Son is NMSF, hopefully NMF, Nat Hispanic, with a 35 ACT. He has already been accepted to several well known engineering schools, a few with decent merit aid. Believe me, I am not knocking Bama at all. I truly hope he gets into CBHP. I loved the program and the enthusiasm the kids in this program share. It seemed like a wonderful way to get to know a group of people quickly and I loved the attention and support the faculty seem to provide. That program seems truly special and would potentially be worth letting go of the higher ranked school.</p>

<p>However, CBHP is the only reason husband or son feel that Bama would be worth passing up other opportunities. </p>

<p>I think it speaks volumes for the program that every year there are people who base their decision on whether to attend Bama over much more known schools on acceptance to the program. I have often wondered what alternative opportunities these kids turned down just to be in CBHP and whether any of them had regrets. </p>

<p>At any rate, even if he does not attend, I’ve enjoyed reading all the volume of posts here by Bama parents and know that the students here have to have the most supportive community around.</p>

<p>It’s a fact, not everyone who attends CBH finalist weekend will be Bama bound next Fall. These students will also have competitive offers from other schools and some will chose to go elsewhere for various reasons. Last year a number were pulled from the reserve pool,</p>

<p>this is true. It seems that every year, 5-10 get pulled from the reserve pool. </p>

<p>The problem is this: Kids get selected to CBH prior to the acceptances of many other schools. So, a kid with his heart set on HYPS may get into CBH, but then trot off to a HYPS school after that acceptance. That said, there are kids with HYPS-quality acceptances that still choose Bama for a variety of reasons.</p>



<p>No offense taken. I just wanted to offer up another perspective. Good luck to your son with the CBH results!</p>

<p>There is a common misconception that CBH is some sort of computer science focused honors program because it has the word computer in its name. While there has been a lot of support for changing the name, some donors are very adamant that the name remain the same. A more accurate name would be Research Honors Program (RHP).</p>

<p>There’s also been discussion of restricting the number of CBH students who already know some programming as such students could likely learn more programming in other classes. To the best of my knowledge, this has only been discussed, but not implemented.</p>

<p>It’s excellent that your son has intriguing offers from other universities in addition to UA. it’s very possible that he’s better fitted for one of the other universities. While CBH is an excellent program which offers participants the opportunity to learn a useful skill and provides assistance in finding other great opportunities, there are other ways to accomplish much the same thing. Wherever you son decides to attend, encourage him to take initiative in finding interesting opportunities. All too often students expect everything just to show up with little or no effort. In reality, a lot of opportunities are found by those willing to make an effort to look for them.</p>