Any chance for money?

<p>I am an out of state student (Kentucky). I was wondering how generous is out of state financial aid and/or how decent of a chance i have at any scholarships. I guess ill post some stats. </p>

<p>GPA 3.94UW (98 numerically unweighted)
Rank: 2/209
Course load: hardest school offers 5 APs senior year
SAT: 700Math 800Verbal 800Writing
SAT IIs: 800 World history 730 Math IIC 790 World history
AP scores: Calc AB 5 Chemistry 4 U.S. History 5
ECs: pretty weak but some leadership and initiative.
Awards: few school awards as well as some small local and regional awards
Also National Merit semifinalist (hopefully finalist)</p>

<p>I want to major in either East Asian or South asian studies of some sort. Any input is appreciated, thanks.</p>

<p>From what I understand...Madison usually doesn't give a whole lot of schlorships, but your qualifications seem very impressive. By law Madison must take roughly 64% Wisconsin residents, 10% Minnesota residents, and the rest either out of state or overseas. Therefore the competitiveness out of state is unbelievable. Just getting in is a great feat for out of state. I have no doubt that you could get in...but I would say scholorships would be unlikely. As far as financial aid, I do believe most people receive some sort of sum.</p>