Help for a Madison Hopeful

<p>Hey guys so I really really want to go to Madison. It's one of my top 5, however, I'm not really sure I'll get in and if I do what types of scholarships should I try to get. I'll definitley need a lot of them to go there. Please don't ignore this. I'm trying to get a jump start on things. If you comment with any suggestion, any at all I'll love you forever! </p>

<p>GPA - 4.1136, unweighted 3.97?
ethnicity - African/black
gender - female
location - pennsylvania
ACT - 26, 29 I'm definitely taking them again. I'm hoping for a 33
SAT- embarrassingly low, so I won't even mention them</p>

<p>I took AP US History sophomore year and got a 5 on it. This year I'm taking AP European History, AP Biology, AP Statistics, and AP Language and Composition. I expect to get maybe a 3 on Stats and 4 or 5 on the others. Next year I'll take AP chem, AP cal/AB, accelerated English, maybe Health/Anatomy, and maybe AP gov. I won't bore you with all the classes I've taken, but they've all been the highest level. Either AP or accelerated if available. I got a B one quarter in my academic chem class and a B on the final, and a C on my French 3 final (only because the teacher hated me). I've gotten As in everything else. </p>

<p>At the end of high school I will have been in the marching band for 3 years, mock trial for three years (winning best witness twice), tennis team for 4 years (hopefully I'll be on varsity next year), key club one year, student government for two years (junior representative), I'm thinking about running for senior class vice president or secretary, and English festival for 3 years. I'm planning on doing some kind of internship or volunteer work at a hospital or a medical private practice. I know my ECs suck any suggestions for making them better that I can do over the summer and the following year?</p>

<p>What scholarships should I try going for (big or small), how can I improve my transcript, are there any other classes I should think about taking next year, and do you think I have a chance? </p>

<p>Thanks for reading!</p>