<p>ECs listed on app: football, track, was in 2 clubs, and work </p>
<p>Job/Work Experience: did finances that were really receipts at a family friend's company and also had a job there too</p>
<p>Essays (subject and responses): pretty darn good</p>
<p>Teacher Recs: better than great</p>
<p>Counselor Rec: great</p>
<p>School Type: Private, does not rank</p>
<p>Ethnicity: Hispanic</p>
<p>i do have 75 hours of comm. service over 3 years, and i did get 2 awards. i was a team captain in football and track, and i took summer school classes at a CC</p>
<p>i don’t think you should feel confident; honestly speaking, your ACT is a little lower than WFU’s average, your GPA is not very high (with only 3 AP’s). EC’s are ok non of them are dazzling. being Hispanic might help a little bit but I doubt it’d significantly raise ur chances to get in…</p>
<p>well the AP’s aren’t really coming in bunches at my school, i took all but 1 that were available up to the junior year. and i took honors classes, too. By confident i meant that i think i have a chance to get in, how good idk</p>
I disagree. I think that being Hispanic will help you out a lot and I think you have a fairly good chance of being admitted. Some schools don’t offer a lot of AP’s. I know that I could only take 1 AP Junior year and a few more senior year, but we only offered like 9 total and one was French, one was Spanish, and one was Studio Art. I had no interest in taking them. Furthermore they didn’t offer Biology every year, so I couldn’t take that either. I took AP tests for Lit, Composition, US, and World, but Lit and the latter two were during my senior year. A 27 ACT is like a low 1200 old SAT. I think you have a right to feel fairly confident. However, Wake is still a bit of a reach school so I’d certainly have some backup plans.</p>
<p>Furthermore, there aren’t many CA kids and the ones that are from CA are mainly from Orange County. You’d bring regional diversity too, because everyone is from the East Coast (particularly NC, VA, NY, NJ, and Fl).</p>
<p>I’d say conservatively high match/low reach somewhere in there. I’d have some real matches and safety schools lined up though. It is certainly within the realm of possibility though, its not really a stretch.</p>