any chances of scholarship or some $?

<p>29 ACT
9 APs by graduation
Native American from OK</p>

<p>State Stuco President
National Stuco Delegate Twice
Exec. State Stuco Boards and Exec. National Stuco Boards
Varsity tennis captain 3 years, national ranking in 9th grade
indian orphanage volunteer
a few academic awards</p>

<p>any chance at one?</p>

<p>You have to have a 31 act to be considered for a merit scholarship.</p>

<p>While they say that is the minimum requirement, they make exceptions routinely.</p>

<p>Okay thanks for the info gabby…im trying to study for june… well crap.</p>

<p>If you can get your ACT to a 31, you’ll get one for sure.</p>

<p>Otherwise, it’s only a maybe.</p>


<p>How many times have you taken the ACT? If more than once, superscore (best sub-scores from each sitting) it.</p>

<p>Also, use this as a “rough” guide:
[Scholarships</a> for New International Freshmen | University of Miami](<a href=“,1770,29537-1;30185-2;40909-2;39220-3,00.html]Scholarships”>,1770,29537-1;30185-2;40909-2;39220-3,00.html)</p>

<p>This is for international students, but UM no longer issues does it for domestic students. Also, what is your class rank? In top 5%-10%?</p>

<p>Yeah my superscore is still only a 29…but I am in like the top 4% now. Thanks for the link I will check it out. am taking the act in june though and shooting for 31+…</p>

<p>it says 1360 minimum for sats, i got 1330 and still got one</p>

<p>Doesn’t Native American Heritage give you automatic fin aid/ scholarship? I think I heard that somewhere… maybe just for OU</p>

<p>honestly if u get 30+ i would be aiming for much higher schools than miami</p>


<p>What “Higher” schools? The combination of solid academics, merit aid, the private school dynamic and a nice warm locale is pretty hard to beat…</p>

<p>Curious as to which ones you think are better</p>

<p>30+ is about what it takes for places like Miami…hard to say that he is underachieving</p>

<p>My D also has a 29 on the ACT and is hoping for merit money (she’s not a URM).<br>
Here are her stats:
rank 6/441, gpa 4.2 w, 3.8uw
AP scholar end of sophomore year, will have 10 by graduation APs
21 college credits (so far all As)
weak ECs (varsity cross country 4 years, probably co-captain this year), Spanish club and honor society, national honor society
Anyone know how often they make exceptions to the minimum ACT? The math (24) is bringing her score down. She probably won’t take the SAT because her math PSAT was 48 (reading and writing low 70s).
She’s going to retake and hopefully get the 31, but may do worse next time.

<p>Califa, I encourage you to have your daughter take the ACT more than just once, and maybe even a third time.</p>

<p>UM is one of the list of schools that is known to super-score their ACT scores, and your daughter may be able to bump up her ACT that way. </p>

<p>I think that with a rank of 6/400+, plus the very rigorous course schedule she is taking, she may have a chance. EC’s aren’t the greatest, but if you can bring up that ACT, I know that exceptions are made. </p>

<p>Best of luck to you and your daughter.</p>


<p>JJ227 is spot on. I think the ECs are pretty good, being a captain shows some leadership</p>

I know that U of Miami is a great school, and it was my number one for so long until financial aid just killed me. I was thinking more like vanderbilt, BC or something along those lines. He has great stats and especially if he does really well on the ACT or SAT. And most of all, no offence to nate, but being a Native American gives you a HUGE advantage over other applicants</p>

<p>Thanks, JJ227 and BaghDAD. I didn’t know they superscore the ACT, and that’s very good to know. She didn’t want to take it again because she’s afraid of doing even worse on math this time, but if they superscore, it won’t hurt her if she increases the other three, which I’m sure she can if she prepares for it this time. </p>

<p>Just wish I could get her motivated to do something other than running this summer. She has some volunteer applications in but hasn’t heard anything.</p>