Any Early Action Decisions yet?

It’s Early October. Anyone get a decision yet?
If so please share, GPA, Scores, and when you applied. Thanks

I was accepted today (10/7) and I applied on (9/19)
3.28UW GPA (Significant upward trend)
SAT: 1230


Was your transcript in by 9/19? I applied 9/7 but my application wasn’t sent until 10/4 so hoping that doesn’t slow things down

Similar here, applied on 9/6 and application completed on 10/7

No I actually submitted my application at the end of August, but I was notified that they didn’t receive my transcript until 9/19

congrats!!! still waiting on mine

I was accepted 10/6 and I applied on 9/12!
4.0 UW GPA
SAT: 1500


Congratulations! How long after you submitted your applicationdid it take for you to receive your log in credentials to the IU account to check the status of your application? Applied last week OOS, but I have not received it yet.

I applied in Septemeber, and so I don’t quite remember the timeline. However, I thought it was very fast.

Took 10 days for me

Is IU first come first served? My son is applying to Kelley by Nov 1 and has 1330 SAT with 3.79 WGPA.

You need at least a 1370 to get into Kelley

Kelley direct admit criteria are 1370 SAT and a 3.8 GPA…3.79 doesn’t get there, unless that is unweighted and there is a higher weighted GPA on the transcript…is that the case?

Because your S is relatively close on each parameter, I suggest he file a petition for direct admit immediately after applying…I have seen students accepted direct admit who did not meet either of the direct admit criteria. Good luck.

Thank you. Those are his exact figures. He has a strong course load this year and has solid ECs if that makes any difference.

Rigor and ECs can make a difference on the petition, but won’t make a difference on the initial direct admit decision. File the petition immediately after submitting the application and your S receives his portal info, the directions are on the link I posted above. There is one additional 250 word essay for the petition.

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Applied September 13 through IU application…got accepted October 12.
GPA: 3.6
Did not send test scores!
Out of state


What was the date your transcripts and recs were sent? All received by 9/13? Congrats!

That’s great- in state or Out of state?

For the Kelley petition describing one’s most significant achievement over the last three years, has anyone ever heard a presentation by Kelley officials saying what stands out? There’s the typical stuff like team captain, asst manager promotion at work, Eagle Scout/Girl Scout Gold, media editor, club president…and there’s the phenomenal stuff like national or state wide awards but those are probably rare.

I was accepted today (10/20) and applied on 9/21!

GPA: 4.15 W (my school doesn’t do UW)
ACT (I didn’t submit an SAT): 33