Any experience with new billing service (CASHnet)?

About a month or two ago, Vanderbilt switched who is doing their online billing/payment for tuition, etc… Consequently, it seems access to old billing and account information on-line is gone, at least as far as I can tell. I needed to send a bill as proof of student-away-at-college status for auto insurance. The fall bills haven’t been sent yet, so there is nothing in the system at all. I sure hope they transfer the old information over, as it could be useful to have in the future.

But maybe I am just looking in the wrong place. Anyone also have this issue?

I got into my D’s account last evening…all the old bills were there. I went through YES, billing portal, etc. Just like previous years. I was checking on the tuition amount from last Fall and deadline to see what we have facing us this summer!

Thanks @vandyswim Had your daughter gone through the procedure to set up the new password for you? My son did and the login is different now - just my first and last name. I had to make a new password too. I get redirected here now from YES and can’t see the old stuff :frowning: I emailed Vandy about it and will post if I get a response.

I received a response. I guess I am not alone:

“We were told that you were still supposed to be able to access the old bills for a while after we switched over to the new system, but I’ve been told by many people they are unable to so if you tell me what bills you need I can scan them and send them to you.”

Then sent me what I need. Will need to check at work tomorrow if I can open one of the files (weird file extension.)