Any GPA requirement for NMF? must be straight A?

<p>Any GPA requirement for NMF? must be straight A? Thanks.</p>

<p>Of course not.</p>

<p>No one knows what the bare minimum is. I recall postings here claiming NMF’s with 3.3 (uw) still qualified. The only case I know of where an NMSF did not advance probably based on grades was where the candidate had less than a 3.0.</p>

<p>Thanks, Descartesz. But why only 15000 of 16000 to be finalist? what’s wrong with that 1000? if not because of GPA?</p>

<p>To advance you need confirming SAT’s (>=2000, although a little lower is probably still good) submitted on time, “good” grades (per my previous post), a reasonable essay (i.e, not insulting), a relatively “clean” record free of discipline problems, endorsement of your principal (or, perhaps, GC), etc. I can only presume a few NMSF fail on these grounds. The chief reason for failing to advance, however, is simply failure to complete and submit the NM application. Over 50% of the 1000 fail to advance for this reason.</p>