Any luck w/ returning housing this morning?

<p>I already did the housing deposit for him for next year so he’s good with that.
Is the new dorm going to be honors or not? also does anyone know how many honors freshman they have verus how many honors “beds” they have on campus. I am trying to get an idea of the odds he will be able to get honors housing in 2014/2015. I would really like him to be in a dorm for the first 2 years of college. thanks.</p>

<p>Like proudmama, I was unaware if the order you signed up had anything to do with whether you would get a space for next year.</p>

<p>Since my son did the application, I don’t know if kids had to indicate whether they wanted honors or not at this point. I am wondering if your child indicates no preference as far as honors, whether that increases their chances of getting any housing next year.
I can tell you that drunken slobs that leave their clothes and trash all over common areas are present in the honors dorms, too, so don’t assume that because you’re in an honors dorm, you’ll be immune from that experience.</p>

<p>The application to recontract on Wed 1/2/13 was an intent only - it signals to UA that you want to live on campus next year. It did not ask where you wanted to live (honors, non-honors, different building, etc.). Room selection is a completely different process.</p>

<p>For this initial Jan “lottery” (for lack of a better word), rising sophomores have priority over rising juniors, who have priority over rising seniors, to be selected to recontract in Feb. It is my understanding that within each class, it does matter when you hit that submit button, so a rising sophomore who submitted an intention to return to the dorms at 8.00 am on 1/2/13 has a better chance of being selected for recontracting than a rising sophomore who submitted at 2 pm, for example. This is why some of us were freaking out at 8.15 am… But this still has nothing to do with room selection - our anxiety on Jan 2nd only dealt with whether our students would be chosen to return to oncampus housing.</p>

<p>Once they figure out how many returning students they have space for, they will notify those students (1st week of Feb); all others will be placed on a waiting list.</p>

<p>If (as in IF) you get notified that you were chosen for a spot, the order of room selection is generally as follows (and has NOTHING to do with when you submitted your intent application in Jan): first, students returning to their exact same rooms pick first (naturally!); then students returning to their same ‘community’ (i.e., same dorm but different room within that dorm, assuming they still qualify to live there); lastly, students who wish to move buildings (again, as long as they are qualified to live there). This last option (moving buildings) is taken in the following order, probably over a series of days: rising seniors, then rising juniors, then rising sophomores.</p>

<p>This is as I understand it - please correct me if you have heard anything differently.</p>

<p>Great post aeromom. That is the way I understand the process also. Most of the points you addressed are spelled out on the housing website. Plus the folks in housing are really good at answering questions in a time matter.</p>

<p>Yes, thank you! So my returning senior boys did need to sign up as early as possible, on the off chance there are still openings for them once the count is in. Keeping our fingers crossed!</p>

<p>Montegut, I believe the timing did matter. If your " senior" hit the button first, they have priority over a " senior" who hit the button later to get a returning spot.</p>

<p>The room selection is a different phase and will matter only if your " senior" gets a spot.</p>

<p>So aeromom, what situation will my roommates and I be in? We’re all on housing scholarship, so we’ll definitely get on-campus housing, even though one submitted at 9:00 and another is traveling and will not complete her form until the 7th. We’re rising sophomores looking to move from Lakeside to Ridgecrest (since Lakeside West is no longer honors next year). I assume we will be some of the last to select our rooms, yes? But will we still get honors housing for sure?</p>

<p>This link should provide some clarity. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>It does mention that application date is considered, but I think those with Housing scholarships are guaranteed housing as long as they complete the process by the deadline. I could be wrong.</p>

<p>From the Housing link: “Within the group of rising sophomores, students will be prioritized by application date, so students are encouraged to submit their application as soon as it becomes available on January 2.”</p>

<p>[Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>TNTide5 - yes, it appears to me that you are correct - you will all be guaranteed a spot and will go forward with room selection beginning Feb, IF you meet the deadlines. (You guys on housing scholarships are not even entering into this “lottery” with the rest of returning students, so the exact time of your application is not relevant - you are ahead of all others for a spot.) Yes, you will apparently pick last of the three returning grades, because of your rising sophomore status. If 1 of you has more credits that puts one of you into Junior status, I’m not sure if credit hours or “year” takes precedent then. Call and ask housing if you really want to know if 1 of your 4 can select ahead of the other 3 (and then pull the other folks in). </p>

<p>Remember, tho, that you are picking before ANY incoming freshman, so why would you be worried one iota about not getting honors housing?! You’ll all be fine! Will you get the exact section/floor/room in Ridgecrest that you want? That remains to be seen.</p>

<p>Cool! I thought as much. I will have to ask my roommates if they have that many AP credits. I don’t think so, though. Thanks so much!!! I was personally hoping we could go for the back side of RCE and keep our lake view. But I’m not picky. ;)</p>