Message for UA Housing

<p>Hi UA Housing. I need your help. My daughter needs to arrange an early move-in time due to her job in the UA Writing Center. She was informed this past Thursday that her orientation for the Writing Center begins August 11th. She lives in Ridgecrest West, so we need to make sure she can move in Friday, August 8th or Saturday, August 9th, I called housing and was told to email The reply said they are out of office and due to high volume we won’t hear back for awhile. We need to hear back asap since we are moving her in from out of state. Can you help with this situation please? </p>

<p>Question for anyone else- we already have a move in time for August 15th. If I cancel that time, can I reschedule for August 8th? Does the housing computer system know if your student is allowed to move in early and therefore it might not let us choose the earlier date? </p>

<p>Rest assured that this will all work out for you. </p>

<p>@UAHousing‌ </p>

<p>@mominwestlake - not to worry! You’ll likely hear back from them within a day, if not sooner. They’ve usually followed up on emails within hours. And I’ve yet to hear of a student who was not allowed to move in early!</p>

<p>Still no word. Our first email to housing/move-in help was sent Friday. I hope they realize the longer we wait the more airfare might cost, the hotel will definitely cost more, and perhaps the van we need to rent will cost more. </p>

<p>You can reserve a van now for several dates and then just cancel what you don’t need. Also you can make cancellable hotel reservations for several dates.</p>

<p>Mominwestlake, check with your student again please. I think we’re fairly caught up on emails this evening. We still have a few requests outstanding, but that one doesn’t sound like one of them.</p>


<p>Thanks, Janine! Her email says that she can move in on the 9th any time after 3. Does she need to sign up online for that time? I am pretty sure it says unavailable. </p>

<p>The email is all the confirmation you need. She no longer needs to sign up online.</p>