<p>Out of curiosity has anyone here gotten accepted with a low gpa (3.0 and below)? A close friend of mine scored 2010 on the SAT, solid GPA, sports, and ECs but was rejected by UF. Responses would be GREATLY appreciated! :)</p>
<p>bump 10char</p>
<p>I have:) About a 3.3 GPA, with a 22 ACT score (Took a mock act this year-senior year-and got a 28…so I’m not sure what happened with the 22! lol). I had some pretty good EC’s, though. Play three instruments, won various writing awards, had writing published in a teen magazine, 700 hours of community service, cheer coach, playing violin at two levels above my age group, job since freshmen year, etc etc. My twin brother was also accepted, with a 3.7 GPA, and 23 ACT score, but almost NO EC’s. Both of us were accepted for the summer term, under the pegasus program (Which I’m very excited about!).</p>
<p>Wow impressive! Was looking for a “miracle” story, your stats are quite good haha. Any other stories? :)</p>
<p>Not personal one’s, but I read on a thread that last year, a girl got into summer with maybe a 3.4 GPA, and a 19 ACT score! The GPA is good, the ACT is about two points bellow average:) Don’t let other posters on this site bring your hopes don’t, a lot of the kids here have really, really good stats. You don’t see a lot of accepted students with lower stats post.</p>
<p>Wow just a 19?! What if the case is vice versa? Low gpa (3.0UW) and good SAT? Btw thank you so much for replying to my thread most people just read and bail out.</p>
<p>I like to help! I think it can go the other way around, too. What’s your weighted GPA? Because, honestly, a 3.0 Unweighted isn’t that bad-anything bellow that is a little iffy, but a 3.0 for unweighted isn’t as bad as it seems!</p>
<p>My weighted isn’t to good. I’m going to take as many APs as I can this year, next year, and I’m going to do 1-2 classes at my community college to raise my weighted GPA. Would a 3.5W be decent? I’m a 3 year varsity swimmer (probably going to be captain next year), badminton player, and secretary of the entrepreneur club SO FAR. This summer I plan on doing countless hours of community service and next year I want to be part in more ECs. Thanks again for your responses! :)</p>
<p>Oh, are you a junior?! I was under the impression that you were a senior who just applied! I’m a senior this year, and it runs on rolling admissions, so there’s still individuals applying for UCF for fall 2012. A 3.5 weighted is really actually not bad-I actually know an individual who got into summer with a 3.5 weighted GPA, as well as a 24 or 25 ACT score. You can look online, and see ACT/SAT score compared, and it could match you up with the scores. If you SAT is a 24 or higher, I think you have good chances:)</p>
<p>Yes still a Junior! UCF might not be the “best” school but its my dream school haha. :x </p>
<p>One LAST question! Can you explain rolling admissions? :o You’re the best thanks for all the info you’ve provided to far!</p>
<p>No problem! I love helping people out with college-over the summer, I learned more about it then my counsler, lol. It was a compulsive obsession that paid off in the end! Nope, UCF is defiantly the best college! Okay, I’m biased (Since I’m now a knight!). It’s campus is so beautiful, in a contemporary way (Wait until you see it) great academics, our football team will be in the big east in 2013, and best of all-location. Much better then gainsville and Tallahassee. The average stats of 2012 accepted fall students was a 27 ACT, and a 3.9 GPA! Almost right up there will UF-trust me, it’s an amazing school. Rolling admissions is like an extended time frame. Will regular colleges, you send in the application by a certain date, and then you find out your decision on a certain date. With rolling admissions, you apply whenever you want, and find out whenever they tell you. This is both positive and negative-positive because you can apply super early, and negative because you’re going nuts, checking your online status every 10 minutes like I did:)</p>
<p>Must feel good to say you’re a knight, huh? Since my stats aren’t the best I should apply super early right? I heard that can help.
And I am one of those constant checkers too haha! Hope you’re enjoying UCF!</p>
<p>Haha, not at UCF yet! I’m a senior this year, will be starting at UCF this summer! Yes, apply as early as you can-I had my application/test scores in by late august, and had my transcripts in by the first week of September. The longer you wait, the more competitive it is! I also highly suggest applying for summer, because it’s your best shot-fall is pretty competitive. There’s also a lot of positive aspects of starting in summer, and moving on into fall. Write really good essays, make them passionate! Also, good letters of reccomendation can only make the whole package better. Just make sure you do super good this semester, and your GPA should Bump up! Also, take some AP’s/honors senior year-I really think they look to see that you’re pushing yourself!</p>
<p>Wow you are the absolute best! August? You finished taking SATs and everything during junior year correct? Thank you for taking the time and helping a fellow cc member out. I now have more motivation than ever. Hopefully if all goes well I will be seeing you around UCF haha!</p>
<p>I have added you to my friends list. I wish you the best. :)</p>
<p>Thanks, I accepted! Yes, finished testing junior year (Should have took it again, while I was flamer and relaxed, but ah well!). I think you stand an excellent chance at gaining admission! If worse comes to worse, they may defer you for new test scores/grades. If so, try the SAT out (try out the ACT, too! A lot of people find it easier!) And make sure your senior year first semester grades are good!:)</p>
<p>UCF looks at test scores moreso GPA as far as I know… </p>
<p>I just got deferred by UCF ): and I scored a 27 on ACT and have a 4.1 weighted gpa and 3.6 uw. They’re getting really competitive this year…and your best bet would be to do everything you can to increase your GPA or retake your SAT/ACT to get a higher score. They accept people with a good transcript like in 2 weeks, even if they applied last minute; yet make people who apply way in advance wait months and months. T__T. Makes me kind of sad ):. Because the people who apply early are usually the ones who make ucf their number one choice of school and they’re the ones who have to wait forever. Last year, my friend applied to UCF and got accepted with a 30 ACT and a 2.4 weighted gpa… he wasn’t the most productive student in his classes; but he sure nailed that ACT. </p>
<p>Yeah the admissions process sure is a gamble. I’m sorry you didn’t get in. Hopefully you got into a better school. I wish you the best!</p>
<p>Not sure what you mean by miracle because according to my siblings they knew that the student I’m going to mention in my story would be accepted. </p>
<p>Prestigious private school
Girl with 2.8GPA, low SAT ~1500
Average EC
Applies to one school in NC
Accepted to school in NC
School in NC is highly acclaimed you can pick and choose</p>
<p>Wonder how she was accepted?</p>
<p>Daddy is on board of trustees and step daddy wrote a big check. </p>
<p>50% what you know, 50% who you know.</p>
<p>Sadly, what the above poster said is true. A lot of time, when it comes to jobs too, it’s all about they people you know. We don’t really live in the america we used to, the land of opportunity. Sadly, it just isn’t that way anymore. However, even if she did get in, there’s no assurance that she’ll do well-people would have to pull some extreme ropes to get her high grades she doesn’t deserve. Then again, who knows? Maybe she’ll do well.</p>