Any New Acceptances - RD?

<p>I know most of the ED people have heard, but has anyone who applied after the NOV. 1st deadline heard from mich?</p>

<p>I applied nov. 20th, everthing was received Dec. 2nd. I am waiting in anticipation!</p>

<p>Wonder when the next round will come out? and can RD people get deferred?</p>


<p>yea me 2, I applied on early dec, but still haven’t gotten my decision yet…</p>

<p>I don’t think RDs get deferred.
I think they just get waitlisted.</p>

<p>i applied around nov 10(?) but transcript and recs were received in dec 2 but i got a defferal a few days after christmas</p>

<p>i applied around nov 10(?) but transcript and recs were received in dec 2 but i got a defferal a few days after christmas</p>

<p>My son had everything in by Nov 21st, posted, and still has not heard.</p>

<p>Any new RD acceptances at all? I have a cute lady friend that is qualified and awaiting a decision! Everything in by 12/01. So please post if you’ve gotten accepted this week.</p>

<p>mine was in 12/01 and i haven’t heard yet either.</p>

<p>My S applied in early Dec; hasn’t heard a thing. Does it show up on Wolverine Access? Or email?</p>

<p>Does U of M release admissions every friday?</p>

<p>Do we get decision through e-mail?</p>

<p>hahah. It goes like this…</p>

<p>Either Thurs. or Fri. 12 PM/1 AM Wolverineaccess has a link that pops up next to view credentials.</p>

<p>Then later in the day you get sent an email. Then couple days later you get your decision letter or Packet thing if you’re accepted.</p>

<p>It’s not a good sign when you click on the “view decision” link and says ‘a decision has been made.’ In ER this meant you got deferred. Which now it’s regular decision probably means the worst… but if you are accepted there’s a “Congratulations” and a video if your accepted to LSA.</p>

<p>It’s been pretty random between Thurs. or Friday but mostly it’s been Thurs. morning at 12 PM they release the link on WA. Hence, why ER kids were having ‘midnight watches.’</p>

<p>GOOD LUCK and I hope to see you in the 2013 class with me at the best public university in the whole damn world.</p>

<p>You mean best public university after Berkely and Virginia?</p>

<p>No he means the best public university in the whole damned world. ;-)</p>

<p>OK, so now S will only check once a week, instead of every single second of the day,…!!</p>

<p>hey does anyone know how long it will take to hear back if i applied around December 31?</p>

<p>haha rjkofnovi knows whats up. And I was checking every single morning when I woke up and before I went to bed for a good two weeks. So I know how you feel mimzy</p>

<p>and smd123 I’m thinking either tonight or tmrw night at 12 they’ll send’m out and you’ll be lucky if you’re in that batch. Lucky or you’re that good on paper that they will accept you that quick but you got a good month at least if your a regular applying Michigan student.</p>

<p>stupid question, but 12 MI time…right? haha.</p>


<p>you are waiting too?</p>