any runners here?

now that cross country ended and track conditioning is a couple weeks from starting up, I’m feeling strangely disconnected from the running community. sooo, If you’re a runner, post some information about yourself and how everything’s going for you!

HEy I’m a runner in the same position you are.
I ran 18:55 (sophmore) this year for 5k not very good
I’ve lost so much motivation I run occasionally now and maybe only 2.5-4 miles so hopefully starting tomorrow ill get back in shape for track my goal is to get under 5 in he mile :slight_smile:

@Calchong‌ I’m assuming you’re a male, sub 19 isn’t that bad for a sophmore and you’ll get a lot better as you continue. It’s really good you’ve set a goal for yourself (I havent done that yet lol) and are going to work towards it, I really hope you achieve it!
My own xc season wasn’t that good, I had a knee injury during conditioning and a shin splints during the actual season, it was horrible :(. I just want to focus on track now and hopefully do my best

I’m not a “real” runner but my parents are. They both run 7 half marathons and 1 full marathon. This year I’m training for a half marathon with them. It’s in April and we’re aiming for 2 and half hours. I’ve only had 2 training runs so far and it’s been tough since I really haven’t had any prior experience. I hope I can pull this off though!

@TotallyTrudy‌ wow, half marathons are very tough (the 5k is enough for me lol) keep training and I know you’ll be able to pull it off, running is a matter of persistent training and miles.

@neonerudite what is your PR and what is your gender?

Hey runner here too! Great to see there are so many of us on CC! I’ve been injured, but am coming back strong for the indoor season! Just got back from a great 6 miler. I’m a girl and I run a 5:19 1500m (my favorite race!).

Also a runner! I had a few injuries throughout the cross country season, so I didn’t do as well as I hoped, but it was still as fun as always. :slight_smile: I usually do pretty well in JV (I’m a girl), but nothing special, and varsity is still a ways off. 13:30 for the 2 mile at the cross country league championships. Haven’t been running regularly since the season ended, kind of dreading track now…

@CalChong my PR is 23:24 (I think) and I’m a girl. It’s pretty terrible lol but this is my first year running

I’ve been running a few years now and have a goal of running a marathon before the age of 20. I was at 21 miles this year but stopped for some personal reasons, though now I’m back up to 9/10.
23:24 is fantastic for a first year runner.

Fellow runner here.

I finished this cross country season with a 19:34 3 mile race. Unfortunately, I just…didn’t have such a great season this year. I didn’t really see much improvement from last year.

I haven’t run much during the off season (I can’t do indoor track, I have SAT’s drivers ed, bunch of stuff), and I can’t really find the motivation to run during the break.

I’ll start kicking it into gear hopefully in Feb/March when outdoor track starts. I am a mostly 800 runner, pr of 2:16 last year. I’m hoping to make it to 2:10

@viewthroughkohl0 I hope you run it! When my parents were running their first marathon, some really severe storms came in and they had to cancel the race while it was in progress! My mom was on mile 21! Idk how far in my dad was. It sucked for them, but they went through training again the following year and completed it. Keep working at it and you’ll definitely get there.

used to be a runner… did 2 years of it

At age 16 I ran one 1/2 marathon and one full marathon. Now I’m 17 almost 18 and still can’t even break 2:15 on the 800 in track.

I did cross country this year and got like 20 flat on most 5k races. I still run a few miles every night. Honestly I find it really fun, especially with music

Yay XC/track!! I’m no longer a high school student but I thought I’d give this a free bump :slight_smile:

How many of you like it enough to want to keep running in college, either on a team or in a club?

I am currently being recruited a bit to run in college (yay!) so hopefully it’ll pan out!

@JustOneDad I’m most likely going to run in college, I love running so much and I couldn’t imagine my life without it, really.

@emtfxc that’s amazing! What college? I hope it works out :slight_smile:

@neonerudite‌ thanks! a couple, mainly D3 like MIT (love it!)!