Any stories of bad drivers?

<p>I ****ing HATE people who drive 70 mph or lower in the fast lane of the freeway.</p>

<p>Oh, and people slamming on their brakes when in front of a big rig, especially when going downhill. -_-</p>

<p>yeah…okay, I’m just like you guys. Reading these have made me feel better. I don’t drive that often so when I change lanes I freak out, I suck at parking…maybe I just need to drive more often.</p>

<p>I don’t get angry at anything or anyone while driving. It makes me very mellow. When I’m having a bad day, I drive at the speed limit in the left lane so I can see other people get mad and pass me. It makes me feel good to know that I just don’t care. (If you’ve seen Fight Club, you know what I’m talking about.)</p>

<p>If someone tries to **** me off on the highway, I’ll drive next to them and match their speed for a minute or two.</p>

<p>I wen 125 on the interstate once because I was bored.</p>